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Viewing User Profile for: N0EQ Craig Lumpy Lemke
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Joined: Aug 22, 2008 05:35 AM
Last Post: Oct 13, 2008 07:28 PM
Last Visit: Apr 25, 2009 08:56 AM
Website: n0eq.com
Location: Scottsdale Arizona USA
Favorite Bands:
Favorite Modes: QRP SSB
You're a Bunch Over Nine!
Email: lumpy@digitalcartography.com

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Post Statistics
N0EQ Craig Lumpy Lemke has contributed to 8 posts out of 11651 total posts (0.07%) in 5,763 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
Getting more eQSLs » How to get more people to join EQSL??!! Oct 13, 2008 07:28 PM (Total replies: 43)

Andy wrote:
"...I know the ARRL didn't 'invent' eQSL so I may be dreaming a pipe dream here, but if all the members of both sites asked the administrators to consider this proposal, maybe something will come of it. Now wouldn't that be something? A secure system for verifying QSOs that also generates a custom QSL that many Hams enjoy collecting and many contest administrators will recognize this system for their awards..."

I don't see "security" as any kind of issue. If a dishonest award seeker
wanted to, he could simply print up QSL cards from imaginary QSOs
and submit them to the contest administrators.

I see it more as the first part of your statement above. ARRL didn't
invent eQSL. And perhaps eQSL is guilty of some of the same
kind of "my sandbox" thinking.

I think it would go a long way toward bridging the gap if
eQSL would accept paper cards (the old fashioned way) as
well as LOTW QSOs, toward the awards offered by eQSL.

If the "big picture" theory is "I made a QSO", then the proof
of that QSO should be able to come from any source, paper,
electronic or otherwise.

If you want the other guy to accept your method, you
should accept the other guy's method.

Craig 'Lumpy' Lemke
zero cost 2m, six element yagi

N0EQ Craig Lumpy Lemke

Getting more eQSLs » Why (some) hams don't use eQSL Sep 14, 2008 12:56 AM (Total replies: 10)

I think I've discovered an interesting reason why lots of eQSL users
aren't returning QSLs or being notified or answering requests for

When the eQSL system sends a message the subject is typically -
"Need a Sked with Alaska (Via eQSL.cc)"

The phrase "Via" is dumping a lot of my incoming email,
and a lot of other's incoming email from what I've learned,
because it's a typical spam filter term (short for the
sex enhance drug trade name).

eQSL, if you're listening, consider dropping the "Via"
from the intermember mails.

Craig 'Lumpy' Lemke


N0EQ Craig Lumpy Lemke

Getting more eQSLs » Why (some) hams don't use eQSL Sep 3, 2008 09:07 PM (Total replies: 10)

Regarding "eQSL is Not Accepted"...

You can print the eQSL card. Would that not be
sufficient to submit to ARRL for their awards?

Is it simply the fact that the paper goes through
the mail system that validates it?

I can sit home and make up QSL
cards from Venus with a drawing program,
then photo copy them and send them to QRRL.

I would think that a system like eQSL is much more
prone to being "legit". But I don't think the "validity"
of a contact is the issue. Hams simply don't make up
phoney QSL cards.

I eQSL everyone. If they want a paper card, and ask,
I'll send them one.

Craig 'Lumpy' Lemke


N0EQ Craig Lumpy Lemke

DX » KH7Y regarding eQSL's Sep 1, 2008 06:02 AM (Total replies: 8)

My logging program (HRD) uploads the eQSL info automatically
after I log a contact. No extra steps necessary. If you're logging
in real time, as you're making contacts, it uploads the eQSL info
as soon as you hit 'ENTER' to finish entering the contact.

Craig 'Lumpy' Lemke


N0EQ Craig Lumpy Lemke

Getting more eQSLs » eQSL Special Event ? Aug 31, 2008 05:28 AM (Total replies: 1)

There's been a lot of posts about
"what about a net" and
"how to get more people involved".

How about an eQSL special event station?
Seems like every weekend there's several
spec event stations celebrating everything
you could ever imagine and lots of things
you would never imagine.

Design a really groovy looking eQSL card,
run a ton of contacts, e-send them all a card.
Seems like a good way to let hams know
how simple it is.

Perhaps apply for the temporary spec event callsign
N0QSL. Deliberate ham pun? No QSL..;-)

Anybody a big gun that might like to host it?
If you're anywhere near me in Phoenix, I'll
help you man the mic.

Craig 'Lumpy' Lemke


N0EQ Craig Lumpy Lemke

Getting more eQSLs » favorite dx antennae Aug 31, 2008 05:22 AM (Total replies: 13)

My most productive wire antenna is an asymmetrical dipole.
It's an 80m quarter on one side, 40m quarter on the other.
I use an LDG tuner and it works great on everything
from 80 to 10m. As the freq goes up, the pattern
changes toward longitudinal along the length
of the wire instead of broadside. And you
get some GAIN when the leg(s) are more
than a quarter.

Craig 'Lumpy' Lemke


N0EQ Craig Lumpy Lemke

Getting more eQSLs » more net times needed. Aug 31, 2008 05:16 AM (Total replies: 5)

7.235 is clear until 0700z when the HHH net comes on.
That's pretty late for most. There's a net just below
that at about 7.233.500. I'm not sure when they come
ON, but they typically end just before the triple H net
starts. Anywhere in that freq area is a good guess.

If you're up late, the triple H net is a great spot.

I'm there a lot on my 5w QRP station from the
Arizona Desert, either backyard remote or
camped in the wilderness.

Craig 'Lumpy' Lemke


N0EQ Craig Lumpy Lemke

Getting more eQSLs » Convert .adi files to MS Excel? How? Aug 31, 2008 04:44 AM (Total replies: 4)

I simply double clilck on the ADI file and MS Excel opens it as an XLS file.
No special conversion necessary.

Craig 'Lumpy' Lemke


N0EQ Craig Lumpy Lemke