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Viewing User Profile for: VE3SY Paul Cassel
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Joined: Feb 15, 2001 07:27 PM
Last Post: Mar 3, 2009 12:10 PM
Last Visit: Mar 3, 2009 12:10 PM
Website: http://www.ve3sy.com
Location: Petersburg, Ontario
Favorite Bands: 160 - 10
Favorite Modes: SSB and Contesting
It All Started Here
Email: paul@ve3sy.com

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VE3SY Paul Cassel has contributed to 8 posts out of 11651 total posts (0.07%) in 8,508 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
Support - English speaking » Can't clear inbox?? Mar 3, 2009 12:10 PM (Total replies: 4)

Very frustrating and no doubt multiplies the load on the system as users - like me - keep resubmitting the request to move into archives and then re-list only to find the Qs are still showing.

At minimum when the action has been cached a notice should be returned or pop-up to inform the user of the temporary action.

Paul VE3SY

73 de Paul VE3SY
Petersburg, Ontario

General web site suggestions » eAward Totals Mar 27, 2007 08:05 PM (Total replies: 1)

Or better yet - if easily accessible without serious nbr crunching - add the total under the Standings link on the MyAwards page.

Paul Cassel - VE3SY
Petersburg, Ontario

General web site suggestions » eAward Totals Mar 27, 2007 07:52 PM (Total replies: 1)

Hi Dave et al.

How about displaying totals on the Standings pages at the top as well as the bottom of the page. As the country counts increase, the amount of scrolling also increases Or, to save server bandwidth, have the default only display totals with a link to show all.

Paul VE3SY

Paul Cassel - VE3SY
Petersburg, Ontario

Support - English speaking » How to know the date of last QSO uploaded ? Jan 22, 2006 06:09 PM (Total replies: 6)

Great addition for those of us who do frequent uploads of contest Qs. Saves loading, sorting and reloading the most recent months Qs to determine date of last Q on eQSL.

Thanks again Dave

Paul Cassel - VE3SY
Petersburg, Ontario

Support - English speaking » How to know the date of last QSO uploaded ? Jan 16, 2006 09:36 PM (Total replies: 6)

Found the reply.....

Dave has added a field to the database to retain the date that each QSO record was uploaded. I don't think it is available for general use yet but it is coming soon.
73, Rich - W3ZJ

Paul Cassel - VE3SY
Petersburg, Ontario

Support - English speaking » How to know the date of last QSO uploaded ? Jan 16, 2006 09:30 PM (Total replies: 6)

I had raised this same question about a month ago. One of the moderators indicated there was beta code runing that displayed exactly what we need to save load on a very over loaded server.

The system knows what the date/time of the newest Q is so just insert that when the user opens the upload dialogue. Will save us a lot of time looing through hundreds and sometimes thousands (contest weekend) and then sorting and reloading the page. Just think of the CPU cycles saved for the want of a few bytes

Paul VE3SY - eagerly awaiting this badly needed improvment to a well oiled machine.

Paul Cassel - VE3SY
Petersburg, Ontario

General web site suggestions » Date of last ADIF up-load Dec 21, 2005 12:44 PM (Total replies: 2)

A helpful feature would be to retain a brief record of the last 2-3 uploads that would be displayed when we return to the ADIF upload page.

This would help users know as of what date there last upload was made. Another usefull bit of info would be to display the newest date currently in the members log.

While I am now uploading more frequently, I initially found it difficult to determine what date filtering to use to assure all Qs and no dups were sent to the server.


Paul Cassel - VE3SY
Petersburg, Ontario

Support - English speaking » Receiving eQSL emails Dec 18, 2005 08:06 AM (Total replies: 2)

In my profile I have only selected "Receive Important Messages from eQSL" yet I continue to receive numerous emails notifying my of new QSLs being received. For example "eQSL to VE3SY on 30-Oct-2005 on 20M"

And a recent ADIF upload for some reason duplicated some cards and of course several numbers rejected the cards as a duplicate (geesh) and generated email to tell me same.

Since I now more active I check my eQSL account on a regualr basis so all I wish to receive are emails from Management. I hate to add a black list to my email filter so what is the solution here?

Paul VE3SY

VE3SY Paul Cassel