Registration Step 2
  Enter your Signup Code to confirm your identity
The Practice Exam with Memory

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QSL Management
The system is a form of QSL Management. When you register with, you are appointing us as your non-exclusive1 QSL Manager for those logs which you choose to upload. You hereby authorize us to distribute your eQSLs to hams and SWLs appearing in your log, either electronically or on a printed card.

1You may have other QSL Managers in addition to us, and you may choose which logs to upload to and which ones not to upload.

Service Agreement

In exchange for publication of my QSL Cards on this web site, I agree to the following:
  1. I will not generate fraudulent log entries for the purpose of certifying bogus QSOs
  2. I will not reproduce, duplicate, copy, or download information or graphics other than for my own personal use in conjunction with this system
  3. I will not attempt to hack into the system to access other people's logs or QSL cards
  4. I know that cannot control the accuracy of my logs and will endeavor to ensure they are accurate and complete
  5. I will not hold liable for any damages caused by my use of the information in this system
  6. I understand that no warranties are expressed or implied with regard to the use of this system
  7. I understand that does not endorse, promote, or act as an agent of any companies or individuals whose advertising appear herein
  8. I will not attempt to collect e-mail addresses from eQSL.ccfor unsolicited mail campaigns ("spam")
  9. While I understand that every effort has been made to keep e-mail addresses private, I will not hold liable for any spam mail I receive as a result of having registered here, but will notify the Webmaster of any such spam I receive.





            私は、eQSLccシステムが私のログシトをコントロールできないし またより正確で確実なものにするための努力をしていることを理解しています。





           私はえQSLがemailアドレスを保護するために全ての努力を行なっていることを理解し、受け取るいかなるスパンメールの背金員がえQSLccに帰さない     ことを理解しそのようなメールを確認したならただちに Webmasterに連絡いたします。

Registration Step 2
Signup Code:
(From the e-mail you received)
Make up a Password: (Must be 4 - 14 characters long)

©Copyright 1998-2025 Electronic QSL Card Centre, a division of Air Wave Productions, LLC
eQSL® is a registered trademark belonging to Air Wave Productions, LLC
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