Petition to ARRL
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Here's your chance to influence ARRL

Voice your opinion on ARRL's decision not to accept eQSLs.
You can post your comments anonymously, if you want.
After we have collected a large number of comments,
we will send this petition to ARRL.
Comment Callsign
It is truly unfortunate that ARRL has decided to ignore the eQSLs of over 37000 hams around the world. Our eQSLs are more trustworthy than any printed card. N5UP
Not surprised about ARRLs reactions to eQSLs forDXCC etc . Old fogies die hard (anonymous)
Explain to me again how a card printed and mailed by is somehow any different than one mailed by a DX station or his QSL manager? (anonymous)
I'm an ARRL member. After reading the Logbook of the World spec and reading the progress reports, I doubt that it will ever see the light of day. (anonymous)
Why would anyone forge a QSL? It would be easier to print a DXCC certificate if you want it that bad (anonymous)
I have already email the officers of the ARRL with my comments on this subject. It is sad but they just don't seem to what to even try and work out a compromise. eQSL is my QSL route of choose. WA0KDS
I believe ARRL should accept eQSL cards, and I hope other hams make their feelings known. I am an ARRL member. K4MG
It all comes down to time and money.. it can take a year for some dx countrys to arrive, and at that we have to pay postage both ways most of the time. To me eQSL seems to be completely forge proof while my wj2o logging program printed out K1FAL
is acceptable. I can print millions of cards via the wj2o but none via eQSL.. Come on arrl get with the program. if qst subscribers quit you get no $$ to pay your salary etc. Think K1FAL
about it seriously . I care not where I obtain a dcxx award so the route of choice would be eQSL. K1FAL
QST is nice to read but not your dictitorial forcing of qsl choice..!!! K1FAL
eQSLs are JUST AS REAL as those which are printed the old fashioned way. I see NO REASON why eQSLs SHOULD NOT be accepted. There is NO EXCUSE for this!!! Please reconsider. KB0OXD
If contest results take a year to process, awards take many months...can we SERIOUSLY expect any movement on the ARRL "Logbook of the World" initiative? K2AXX
Of Couse Eqsl are relliable, the question, I think, is a matter of $$$. It makes the world go around.To N5UP, my best support. CT3EE
From a financial standpoint, I'd believe MORE people would spend $$ with the ARRL trying to cash eQSL cards into DXCC, VUCC, WAS, etc. Instead, reinventing the wheel (or punishing someone who invented it BEFORE them) is their solution. Sad. K2AXX
From a financial standpoint, I'd believe MORE people would spend $$ with the ARRL trying to cash eQSL cards into DXCC, VUCC, WAS, etc. Instead, reinventing the wheel (or punishing someone who invented it BEFORE them) is their solution. Sad. K2AXX
The IRS allows many 3rd party companies to develop tax software for electronic filing of taxes, and allows them to charge for their services. I would hate to the ARRL spend some of its scarce resources to develop the eQSL solution when the AA3NJ
solution is so close at hand. In fact, when a certified DX station submits it's logs through eQSL and eQSL receives a matching entry from a second station, I fail to see a problem with authentication. It would in fact be even more secure AA3NJ
and authentic than a hard copy produced by an eQSL service. AA3NJ
The ARRL would still have the perogative to reject individual entries on the basis of improper authentication. I would bet that a small number of invalid and forged QSLs get through the current DXCC process. I think the question is, AA3NJ
would a greater or lesser number get through the eQSL process. I think the answer is no, because of the greater sophistication required to forge an eQSL compared to a paper QSL. Why doesn't the ARRL require to see the matching logs of all AA3NJ
DX contacts, as it seems that that would be the only way it could verify to as high a degree as it is demanding of an eQSL service. My point is that this eQSL service can provide at least as high a level of authenticity as currently AA3NJ
exists, and provide it at less cost than the hard-mail. AA3NJ
I bank and pay bills on-line, I pay income taxes on-line, I shop on-line, I trade stocks on-line. I applied for Social Security on-line and am now receiving a monthly check. I have no digital certificates. You think far too much of DXCC. W3ZJ
ARRL is completely free to determine the qsl criteria for its own awards. And face it, eQSL.CC is a direct commercial competitor of ARRL's LOTW. Like most businesses, market forces will ultimately decide the fate of each organization. N7XB
The ARRL has been talking about their LOTW for a long time. Lots of talk--no action. Why can't the league admit someone else beat them to the punch on truly honest e-QSLing? Greed ? ? ? KR4BD
This will save lots of postage! Get on the bandwagon! WA3QWA
This is going to happen with or without the ARRL. We's prefer your support. eQSL is secure enough. It's a HOBBY for heaven's sake!!! VE2DC
Considering the pseudo-QSO's I hear on the bands all the time, some perspective is needed. VE2DC
"QSL 55".. 3rd party:"No!".."QSL 56".."No!".."QSL 57".. "Hey, good contact!"... VE2DC
I think that people at our ARRL have fallen in love with their procedures. K8NQC
Only a troubled person would feel pride in an unearned award. Make rules for the healthy. K8NQC
It is a hobby!! Lighten up and enjoy it. Other people don't care. K8NQC
With today's equipment available around the world, DX is no longer a big deal. K8NQC
Treating DXCC as a major accomplishment is only contrived satisfaction. K8NQC
I randomly asked ten ARRL users of eQSL which best met their needs. eQSL 100% K8NQC
There will always be a cheat but I can't believe that a cheated DXCC provides any real satisfaction for anyone. In any rare case that a cheat forges my QSL it won't reduce my satisfaction in using this very fine eQSL system. Amateur Radio i VK3BGH
There will always be a cheat but I can't believe that a cheated DXCC provides any real satisfaction for anyone. In any rare case that a cheat forges my QSL it won't reduce my satisfaction in using this very fine eQSL system. Amateur Radio i VK3BGH
Electronic QSling is popular as can be seen by the numbers. Electronic checking of suspected forgeries etc can be checked immediately. No delay. it is time for ARRL to get modern. The cost of mailing regular QSL's is now too expensive. VE6VK
I am very sad, hearing that ARRL is not willing to accept EQSL. Use of computer and digital mail is the future of the world and people not willing to accept this disqualify themselves. Hope they will revise decision. HB9ABX
Come'on ARRL, get with the future - you're hurting yourself! W2QNE
I also am a long time ARRL member, can't understand why they feel that every licensed ham that receives/sends a QSL card is all of a sudden going to become dishonest, if it wasn't for the magazine I'd drop ARRL like a hot rock. KE9PH
ARRL do you have a reason ( excuse ) for not putting this matter to the membership and then work out the mechanics with, or is it just when you get some dumb hairbrained idea from one of the big donation boys ? KE9PH
Don't be like the Post Office Department and hold onto a procedure even when it's time has long ago bit the dust, bury the antiquated "BURRO" and get a "CYBER SPACE vehicle" KE9PH
eQSLing is more secure and efective for DXers. GACW is using Verify QSO procedure to control eQSL database for our Awards. Will be very interesting to know why the ARRL is discriminating my eQSLs. LU1DZ
of course the league's award programs are their business to run as they see fit, but was it necessary to jerk eqsl [and their subscribers] around for so long? they could have just said no from the beginning, and saved a lot of anxiety. W3HND
The democratic way is to put it to the members. Let them decide. Logbook of the world is no substitute. My call is on other comments. (anonymous)
I am Awards Mgr for Calgary Communications Club. We ACCEPT EQSL's. If I am suspicious I can send an email or I can use the telephone It is easy as that. VE6RH is our club call.It kis not necessary to have a 3rd party print EQSL's. VE6VK
Hq ARRL - As a member of ARRL, I am very disapppointed that ARRL and E-QSL.CC could not agree on how to accept eQSL Card's for ARRL Awards. K5FOZ
I think that the arrl is not going with his time , they have to learn that the way of qsl are changing PA0BDW
Having worked well over 100 countries on six mtrs and got over 100confirmed why do I a GW need the ARRL. GW8ASA
Very disappointed in your decision to reject E-QSL cards for ARRL rewards! KA7ETU
I no longer use the 7land bureau for cards. Only EQSl KC7UP
Please give me a break! I like hard cards but I fail to get the point about cheating. If there is a will there is a way. Basicly I am insulted by the ARRL..A LIFE MEMBER. K0COP
Why ARRL will reject eQSLs???Or there are not a lot of good paper cards that can be "buyed" in the market for a couple of bucks??????? (anonymous)
Sounds really as a DISCRIMINATING action LU6Z
It's time to get out of the dark ages. I'm not going to spend a lot of money with QSL's. I think it's stupid KB9JD
Sure electronic systems can be hacked, I can almost guarantee that someone will hack the LOTW. But frankly, its not as though DXCC comes with a $1000 check. Its a certificate that just symbolizes personal satisfaction and nothing more. KE4USA
Times are changing, we also must change with them, postage due to increase also. (anonymous)
Sounds like maybe ARRL has a deal with USPS? lol KD1XH
i think the ARRL has shot themselves in the foot again. They are all going to relize someday that they have forced the hobby not to grow. Get with the 21st century and come down from the Ivory Tower N2FPJ
The decision to NOT accept eQSL's means less time and less money for the individual ham to spend on the hobby. KA1MM
The league should cooperate with other ham groups to further the hobby, not work against them. Some barriers to making our hobby grow have been eased. Lets us not leave others in place. KA1MM
given the power of arrl even I would become a dictatorial nazi.. Or is arrl placing themselves above logic (anonymous)
It must suck to be an award cheater, but even worse to block the future for fear someone might cheat. My personal satisfaction comes from working for the award. EQSL.CC works for me. (anonymous)
I have always backed ARRL fully, but on this it is time you get your head out of the sand, and come into the real world as it is today. Why should we have to pay postage both ways and wait so long for a QSL. Change or I will. KE4BIN
Your position re eQSLs is ludicrous. Time to join the real world. W6UDX
The ARRL changed the world with no code now they refuse to recognize eqsl. Help us keep the time and cost down of DXing!! N9GZ
I see arrl is back to old tricks! If we don't think of it first then is't no good. signed soon to be a past member. (anonymous)
This is very good, neat and nice , Keep it up. VU3PAI
I can't see why these are not excepted? I find it easier for me to keep a running log and to send a confirmation at the same time as I enter it in the LOG. They print out on any stock paper that you want. N9JIU
Shame Shame Shame on ARRL. But I guess that's par for a bunch of wanabe bureaucrats protecting a revenue stream. N4KIT
The ARRL is not the only awards issuer in town. The QRP ARCI DXCC means far more to me as a QRP op and they accept eQSL's. K9WIS
I am surprised this 'log book of the world' thing hasn't gotten all the Big Brother and One World Government folks going. Isn't nice to know the ARRL want to know who your talking to and when!!! (anonymous)
If electronic submission by LOTW is acceptable, then EQSL should be also. (anonymous)
i suppose it's their award so they can make the rules - but it does seem a bit narrow minded G0THY
As an ARRL member, I'm certainly dissapointed that ARRL will not accept eQSL's. So, since they won't support eQSL's for their awards, I'm not supporting their award system. I'll be perfectly satisfied with the awards offered by K4KEV
We are always asking where the new hams will come from. We stress over the fact that computers and cellphones seem to negate the need or fun of amateur radio. Here is a real opportunity to wed computers to our hobby. The cost of qsling KE2FE
We are always asking where the new hams will come from. We stress over the fact that computers and cellphones seem to negate the need or fun of amateur radio. Here is a real opportunity to wed computers to our hobby. The cost of qsling KE2FE
the standard postal method has gone through the roof. It is too expensive to get the dx card needed. KE2FE
the standard postal method has gone through the roof. It is too expensive to get the dx card needed. KE2FE
If you wanted some phoney qsl cards, visit any hotel in Dayton during Hamvention. Hams post their qsl cards outside their hotel doors. Just pick em clean. KE2FE
You must be kidding. eQSL is a fun and convenient service. ARRL, I love you, but GET WITH THE PROGRAM! W2CYK
EQSL has gone to enough lengths to make it safe to accept eqsl's Maybe as ARRL member we should ONLY vote in officials in favor of taking EQSL's ! s we should ONLY vote in those offic W1CBI
You MUST rethink this...... ARRL don't be so closed minded KB5TNP
The ARRL lives for the past and not the furture! Expand your minds and lose the pride. You hurt too many people with foolish pride. (anonymous)
Working together is what this hobby is about. Let go of the past and work together to make eQSL and LBOW one great ave. for DXCC DA1PJ
Prices for the Postal way are outragous! Sending 5 just cost me $7.80 that is crazy! (anonymous)
As an ARRL life member, I would like to see a joint venture of eQSL and LBOTW. Everyone would benefit. W5HNK
Get off the oxcart and move into the 21st century. Ever wonder why you are loosing league members. I worry about my banks computers or NORADS computers being hacked than having a qsl card falsified GET REAL!! W3MEL
The attitude of the ARRL seems to be if it wasn't invented here then it isn't a good thing. LOTW will have the same issues. KI4RO
I have been a member of ARRL for years and they always seems to be well behind the power curve. KI4RO
If a person wants to forge a card, they will...period. No amount of "security" is going to stop that. KI4RO
If you had to be a member of ARRL to use, bet there wouldn't be a problem! KF5ER
The ARRL's non-acceptance of e-QSL is fool hardy & just a deterent to the ARS. The ARRL reasons are not valid and seem to be pure "stonewalling". Put it to a member vote. W1DMM
If the ARRLis concerned about forged QSL cards, maybe they ought to rethink the purpose of QSLing. I do eQSL as well as the mail QSL but prefer eQSLs. If someone really wants to cheat, it makes NO difference what mode is used to QSL.. KL7IPV
The ARRL needs to wake up and join the 21st Century. K4RKQ
QSL's cards,ARRL in the USA ! the USA was built on Freedom, Let us use EQSL also, not monopoly of just ARRL . KG4GIQ
The last official pronouncement from the ARRL was that there was no change in policy. If there is now a change in policy, it should be posted on your web site and in QST. I urge you to reconsider and allow eQSL for DXCC. KT3D
15.2 million eQSLs from 241 Countries Now Online!.... what more else to say ? F5DTK
Please consider accepting eQSL's. I might actually apply for some ARRL awards then. Seems like its just as easy to fabricate paper QSL's, so why not? WA7JTM
Postage costs are going to kill the ARRL awards program. It's just to costly to collect cards the "old Way" these days. WA7JTM
We knew since the beginning that ARRL would protect their old business again any effective and costless qsl operation. I will sonn get my # 300 DXCC confirm with regular qsl but I won't submit them to ARRL till they also accept e-qsl! VE2QRA
all you arrl members should cancel membership and watch the fur fly then (anonymous)
At last, the question will be e-qsl or NO qsl... F5AGB
As an ARRL Anual Member I think it is a shame the way they treated They seem to have the not invented here problem some large corporations are prone to. I am not a paper chaser but I do enjoy QSL cards and does it cheaply. WB0YDI
Very dissapointed in ARRL decission, seems unreasonable to me WA4MIT
eQSL's have all the same information as any other. They SHOULD be accepted by the ARRL. KB8ZUZ
i\m ham from 1955, qslcard are expesive. but now is cheap, fast ,sure 100% and fun ,WHY not???don't forget we are in 2002!!! : ) LU9LC
I left the ARRL 4 years ago because of nonsense like this. They no longer represent the ham community, but their own agenda & wallets. OH>.and ads from gay radio groups...what's sex got to do with ham radio...ask the ARRL! W9RAT
I think you should reconsider this and accept eqsl's, get off your HIGH HORSE and open your mind. Listen to the hams!!! If I wasn't a Life member now I would QUIT the ARRL!!! Maybe Wayne Green was RIGHT in the past about your organization! W1DYH
I think you should reconsider this and accept eqsl's, get off your HIGH HORSE and open your mind. Listen to the hams!!! If I wasn't a Life member now I would QUIT the ARRL!!! Maybe Wayne Green was RIGHT in the past about your organization! W1DYH
If you are worried by the efforts of a small (super service) to the world ham community... buy them out and stamp "ARRL" on it... your "reasons" just don't hold water! VE7BZC
I'm on a buget this way is better, then the several hundred dollars for stamps,cards and green stamps or IRC and the other cost of chasing paper. K7PZ
eQSL is good and so is the ARRL's system. It's the ARRL's awards program and if they choose to use their own system, so be it. You don't have to play in their sandbox if you don't want to. Relax.. use the one you like, and decompress!!. K3FT
As a fairly new member of the ARRL, I'm very disappointed in the way this organization is not adapting to technology. Don't know if I can continue to $upport you. KE4KLD
I support ARRL and always will...But, they're wrong on eQSL, we're in the 21st century gentlemen, let's get with the eQSL program W0ZPE
Another reason that I dropped my ARRL membership. Cost is the other one. I am linving on Social Security and a small VA pension and your latest increase made me drop my mmebership. N8MOK
I bank, pay my bills and use email daily but you can't trust my DX contacts. COME ON N8MOK
This is a hobby, and qsl cards don't have to be transmitted with the same level of security of electronic funds transfers. I feel has done an excellent job. K1LHO
Radio dealers and manufacturers attribute the resurgence in shortwave radio sales to new listeners who are already wired to the internet. My advice is to carefully consider decisions which may alienate the next generation of DXers. WA4006SWL
Why doesn't the ARRL just put it to a vote, and quit deciding for everyone WO7T
Let's forego the ARRL, get the ham manufacturers with very professional and glitzy awards behind the DX, Zones, and other type awards. With postage saved, hams will buy more gear, and they can make something more elaborate to hang up (anonymous)
lets all write arrl a letter demanding a membership vote. Good idear anonymous manufacturers might love the idea. bye bye arrl K1FAL
Awards are most fabulos if is very hard to obtain it ! open a "shortcut" and that scarry ARRL ! YO8RBU
If ARRL gets there "Log Book of the World" up and running I'm not going to use it. I encourage all other to Boycott it and use eQsl. KD7KST
I think eQSL is the fastest and cheapest way of sending and receiving qsl cards. If someone wants to cheat they can do that also with the paper qsl cards so for me this not an argument for not accepting eQSL for DXCC. ON4FG
The solution that eQSL proposed looks good enough for me! This is a hobby: where is the HAM Spirit? ON4FG
I am pleased I dont need the short sighted decisions of the arrl to enjoy the HOBBY of ham radio and the use of an enjoyable and first class service to amateurs. G0RQL
It amazes me that ARRL doesnt treat eQSL like any other QSL manager N2CJN
eQSL is very good service congratulation N5UP for your very good work F4CTJ
ARRL provides many valuable services for amateur radio but inventing an inferior system of confirming QSO's is not one of them. Keep doing what you do well and make a good faith effort to find a way to accept eQSLs. WK5I
ARRL provides many valuable services for amateur radio but inventing an inferior system of confirming QSO's is not one of them. Keep doing what you do well and make a good faith effort to find a way to accept eQSLs. WK5I
very very much regret ARRL could not see this opportunity. ITS the new world and eWSL has done so much to work with the arrl I am a member of arrl and will continue them but this was an error W4RTE
wen meny ham's out your cals is ,and going @call,it is curius ARRL position;i'm om from 1969 an and i'm keep doing you and make a good faith "for my and menny's om's" effort to finds a wey to accept eQSL and the futurs... F5IYQ
Some people refuse to accept the fact that it's now the 21st century. What makes the current hardcopy and mail system so secure? Tons of business involving many, many $$$$$ are transacted on the internet everyday! KD0GS
As an ARRL member, I am very discouraged by ARRL's leadership position in not accepting eQSLs for award purposes. This is a HOBBY and for many of us enjoyment in making QSOs. My experience with QSL cards is if I don't send a SASE - forget AC7IF
it. Is the ARRL just for the leadership folks or does it belong to the ham community. The ARRL leadership has not conducted any polls of the membership to see if they feel eQSLs should be acceptable for awards, why not? AC7IF
ARRL, your decision to ban eQSLs makes me ASHAMED to be a member! I joined ARRL to support my hobby and; until now, I have never been disappointed for doing so. STOP ACTING IN YOUR OWN SELF-INTEREST NG5E
At last something refreshing and interesting comes along and makes very good sense and for some reason does not measure up to ARRL standards. I understand the concern for maintaining accuracy and validaty however, I do not understand AE4GN
the actions of the staff to reject eQSL's positive input to the HAM culture. I have determined that eQSL is the preferred method of exchanging QSLs for the future. ARRL please reconsider your stand, for the members sake. AE4GN
I have been a ham operator for 45 years and I thought ARRL always had my interest in mind. I have seen ultra conservatism turn to conservative, to sed now back to just plain old stupid. Do think we would go to eQSL for fun. KB5FE
Again the ARRL shows basic reluctance to change. Whats New? The suggestion the the league represents mainstream Ham radio as a hobby is laughable! To heck with their award programs! W1IPL
Hams have always been on the cutting edge of electronics. Funny, but the organization that is supposed to promote that is desperately holding on to the past. I could care less whether you people at ARRL know whether I worked a station or no KG0YE
Your method of QSLing has not changed in how many years ? Yet bill paying,banking,etc has advanced. With todays printers we could easily make fake would much harder to counterfit eCards. W7RTX
Although I have never applied for an ARRL award in 35 years of hamming, it would be nice to have my eQsls qualify if I chose to do so. As an ARRL member I urge the league to re-think their position on this subject. N5RL
This is really overkill for a hobby. This method is really just as secure as the "traditional" one and many of us use this form of "commerce" in our real lives with no problem. AC5RI
By not accepting eQSLs ARRL will nudge itself right out of the QSL business. eQSL works and is proven so why not accept it? AH6P
I've had the cards to qualify for DXCC for years. Why haven't I sent them in? I was afraid they'd lose them. The cheaters will always be with us; why punish me for being honest? NN4DF
eQSL's are the way to go, especially for the overseas hams where postage is high, mail is slow, and it's a financial effort just to get on the air. Besides, I know how many countries I've worked; I don't need the ARRL to "certify" that ... NN4DF
Is that an Ostrich with it’s head in the sand? No it’s the ARRL. No change there then. ;-) G8VHB
I bought a new car over the Internet. I select and purchase books and more everyday over the Internet. Now here is a SURPRISE! I can’t send my eQSL’s to the ARRL as it is obviously not secure enough. G8VHB
Who is that with white knuckles! Why it’s the ARRL holding on to the past. Now I must go and dig out my old spark generator, where’s Marconi when I need him. G8VHB
It is becoming obvious that the only real reason for the ARRL position is $$$. If you dont believe it takes $$ to get in the big league just read this link W5UHQ
This is one more reason that I am not a member of the ARRL. If you don’t have a lot of money to send them than they show a deaf ear to you. They are not the voice of all Hams as they seem to think they are. Maybe more of us (Hams) should cu KB7VOO
Maybe more of us (Hams) should cut the hand that feeds it. Change in the ARRL, you got to be kidding. Ha KB7VOO
It's a sad day that all Hams can't work together ARRL KB7VOO
Who in ARRL wrote this dissertation "Logbook of the World"? Wow! You need to be a Ph N9HT
Who in ARRL wrote this dissertation "Logbook of the World"? Wow! You need to be a Philadelphia lawyer to go throughn it all. It is so complex, no Amateur would ever want to use it!! eQSL is simple and honest. All that any Ham needs! N9HT
Please change your policy regarding eQSL. Just because the ARRL didn't invent the technology doesn't mean it is bad. Look at the number of people using this system and you will see that it is highly effective and makes qsl'ing so easy N5JFG
ARRL, Please keep up with us Hams! Modern days things move much faster! E-QSL Please!!! WD5DPW
I am a Life Member of the ARRL, but I say this:, STOP trying to make the ARRL happy, Take the lead and just give your own awards for DXCC. If the ARRL choose to believe that a paper QSL is more "real" or more "secure", let them! KD3V
If I want, I can forge the "real" cards as easy as an e-qsl card. So what's the fuss about? A good scanner, graphics program, and laser printer, and we're all set to go. W4ZYD
You want to talk about "hacking" a database, and setting yourself up with DXCC? Well, why not drive across town, "borrow" a friend's cards, and convert them to my call? Same thing. What keeps me from doing this is my own integrity, and I W4ZYD
will bet that most ham's feel this way. The other's will cheat anyways. As alway's respective organizations reserve the right to do log checking, which they should at least once in an amatuers life of submitting for awards. A few dollars W4ZYD
to do this, but it should be done at least once, so everyone knows that at some point they will be audited. That "really" keeps everyone honest..HI HI. We all need to advocate eqsl in every mail we send, try to get the member base high W4ZYD
enough to force ARRL to recognize our needs. The rising cost of postage, and the long wait times for the bureau's should start to be phased out. It's all about money, you and I both know it. So maybe e-qsl can start charging a 10 dollar a W4ZYD
year fee for each member, of which ARRL receives 7.50? Think that would make everyone happy? Including us...HI HI. Just some thoughts, from the Springbok Chapter International Web Manager, which does accept e-qsl btw. Til then, 73, Mike W4ZYD
It has become too costly to qsl the "old" way. ARRL, wake up and "service" your members desires. VA7KR
"Encapsulated digital signature"? If I wanted DXCC that bad, I would print my own certificate! W5WJP
ARRL, shame on you! Listen to your members, accept for DXCC credit now! K2KJ
I believe it's time the ARRL realize it is not the only choice, or voice, for the amateur community. We now have options other than your organization. Like many others, I am a eQSL only ham! WT6O
I view it as the ARRL has been trying to obtain complete control of the hobby. If it isn't their idea, then it's no good. Years ago, our club was involved in high altitude balloons. When the ARRL found out it was stop or we drop you. No KC0ADP
w the are promoting it..... KC0ADP
As an ARRL member I am angry that they will not accept eQSL AB0IV
Special logging Software for LOTW? No doubt copyrighted by ARRL so guess who gets the money. Hmm, something to think about next time to renew ARRL membership. KC0ADP
Change is the key to survival. I hope ARRL will survive. 73 Bob AD4MZ AD4MZ
ARRL's decision to not accept eQSL's system has made me decide to join AMSAT instead of ARRL. I vote with my wallet.... Sorry ARRL, but you need to wake up to the requests of the Amateur community. 73 de Paul, KC4YDY KC4YDY
Shame they wont accept the Eqsl cards Via internet for reasons of security But the will accept your cash for membership etc.. via the internet GM0KBU
Sinse when does the ARRL decide what is right for us? Sinse when do the hams not have a voice? eQSL should be accepted, no questions! Just like a card I may send in. IT IS ALL THE SAME! Why is it so hard to see this? KC5SDY
Until the ARRL stops trying to dicate what hams want, they will NOT see one dime of my money. I have more important things to spend my money on than a membership to an organization that thinks they are the only ones with a voice!!!!!!!!!!!! KC5SDY
The eQSL "AG" certification is a reasonable way to minimize identity fraud. This is a hobby, not a protocol for moving $millions in a wire transfer. ARRL's LOTW seems to offer less than eQSL with more hassle. K5CFW
The eQSL "AG" certification is a reasonable way to minimize identity fraud. This is a hobby, not a protocol for moving $millions in a wire transfer. ARRL's LOTW seems to offer less than eQSL with more hassle. K5CFW
I'm very dissapointed in the ARRL and their stand on EQSL. Please listen to your members! N3CAL
I have been a member for 12 years now.I dont know why I keep sending them money just to be dissaponted on silly things as this. This should be a no brainer. This is a HOBBY and should be run like one. Jim/N5QHO N5QHO
Gostaria de exprimir meu desapontamento com o não reconhecimento do eQSL "AG" como método de confirmação de contatos, como forma de protesto, estou fazendo esta colocação em minha lingua Pátria, para demonstrar o nosso grau de insatisfação PY4HI
como sta engles si no habla espanole (anonymous)
I am dissapointed that you do not accept eQSL's, a single system is necessary to get the majority of internet connected amateurs, a competing system is counter productive and the old costly mail system is outdated here in the 21st century. N8ZFM
ARRL states that security is an issue, anyone can go to a printer make fradulent cards, so what if someone obtains a fradulent certificate, whats it worth to them ! N8ZFM
Dear old time League Board. Come to reality and accept EQSL, as the times are changing. WA6BOB
ARRL - as a new ham and ARRL member isn't time we enter the 21st century? eQSL's ARE authenticated. Thank You N5UP! KC2JAV
As a member I am suprised and saddened that the ARRL has not even taken the time to ask their membership about the subject of EQSL's. This method is the wave of the future, and more secure than traditional methods. Please reconsider. KH7V
Let us (the members) vote on this.I do not like the NIH syndrome. 73! K1EY
I let my league membership expire some time ago. Glad I did. N9ESH
eQSL should be treated like any other QSL manager... accept QSLs between authenticated users only... eQSL should be allowed to submit qualifying QSLs PERIOD. KD7KGX
ARRL - Of, by and for the DX HOGs and Contest Jammers. (anonymous)
So whats the big deal about DXCC anyway? You collected a bunch of post cards. So what? Ever have a non-ham ask what the DX station and you talked about? You say "Your 59, QSL via the bureau." Embarassing, isn't it? N9ESH
If the old fogies had to learn code at 20 wpm, you have to learn code at 20 wpm. N9ESH
If the old fogies had to use the bureau, you have to use the bureau. N9ESH
Your problem is you can't figure out a better way than eQSL.Get modern W9RY
As a member and a security consultant, I'm very disappointed that the ARRL has decided to not honor eQSLs. Public-key signing of QSLs certainly makes them difficult to forge, but it also creates a very high barrier to entry! KG6IYD
Before progress does not have escape, whether this we want whether not. SP6EKS
I am a new ham and am dissappointed that ARRL will not accept this means of QSL. It appears to me that this is as safe (or safer) than the traditional paper method. Although I joined ARRL soon after receiving my Tech and, I wonder it was? KG4TIK
The mentality of the ARRL is that If they didn't do it it must be wrong. The message will get to them when the cost of postage effects the number of hams appling for thier awards. WD5JNC
ARRL: Time to give up the "Not invented here!" attitude. eQSL works. N0PU
I like to adhere to the fantasy that most hams are honest, decent people with a lot of integrity. When a ham tells me that he's worked some rock in the South Atlantic I'll take him at his word... no need to *prove* it to me. VE3DOP
What's the ARRL position then? You're all liars until you can prove otherwise? ...... saddens the heart. VE3DOP
I Qsl for fun! Radio gear cost enough, I dont need postage to! Support EQSL for those who enjoy talking to others for more than just 59, number 123.... N9TCD
I'm disappointed that our ARRL money is being used to develop the Logbook of the World system, given that the eQSL system is already up-and-running with proven success. Why "reinvent the wheel" at such considerable expense? WA6NUT
Dear ARRL, at this time I use the eQSL system exclusively. I don't plan to switch to LBOW. Recommend you accept eQSL and, as a loyal ARRL member, I'll buy your plaques. N3XL
Did anyone learn anything at RSGB 2002 abt LOTW that was a serious update ? I didn't, a waste of a lecture session for me. (anonymous)
well.. I am not collecting any awards anymore and see ham-radio as a hobby with a great challenge to work DX at unusual frequencies and times. Confirming such a QSO should be enough with an e-mail like message like eQSL. SM0FLY
so, come on ARRL and stop seeing your funny awards as being of such immense importance. For Chr.. sake, it's a hobby! SM0FLY
As of today I cancel my ARRL membership until eQSL is accepted. (anonymous)
I'm a 32 radio amatuer who quit ARRL in 1979 after decisions on the validity of my DXpedition by pinheads that run your organization. After 23 years, I see that things haven't changed. eQSLs are 21st century technolgy. Embrace innovation! K8YX
I'm a 32 radio amatuer who quit ARRL in 1979 after decisions on the validity of my DXpedition by pinheads that run your organization. After 23 years, I see that things haven't changed. eQSLs are 21st century technolgy. Embrace innovation! K8YX
The ARRL should read Part 97.1 sub b, c, and e. I think E-QSL is KC6RSS
The ARRL should read Part 97.1 sub b, c, and e. I think E-QSL is KC6RSS
The ARRL should read Part 97.1 sub b, c, and e. I think E-QSL is part of the radio art,also if we can QSL to a foriegn country in less than a day and choose to QSL in a year or so how does that promote "Good Will"? Wake up ARRL. KC6RSS
I am saddened to learn that ARRL has rejected eQSLs and am at a loss to understand why. I can only surmise that the ARRL simply fails to embrace new technologies. The advantages of using eQSL vice paper and postage should be obvious. N0QN
ARRL yuo no only discrminate eQSL a verry good service but ONL3903
also SWLs are discriminated whay whats raesen awards as ONL3903
WAS WAZ DXCC NO AVAIABEL FOR SWLs i belive yuor opinion ONL3903
from many thinks its tuo old its time for going whait te modern time ONL3903
if yuo know whats hamspirit its maybi no then lissen to yuor ouwn hams many us stations liked eQSL also hams from autside the USA and olso many SWLs and if yuo know hamspirit then see ONL3903
also for make aviabel for swl THE WAS WAZ DXCC AND ACCEPT NOW eQSL also ONL3903
also for make aviabel for swl THE WAS WAZ DXCC AND ACCEPT NOW eQSL also ONL3903
ARRL member and I like eQSL, a verified card there is as good as gold. ARRL needs to stay up with technology or become totally ineffective as a member organization. SUPPORT eQSL ! WD8OUZ
I am a paying member of ARRL - if they do NOT want to conform to eQSL they will not get a renewal from me! It is unfair how they treat others. QST is nice - but there are many other magazines to get that are a lot cheaper. KC9AOY
I have not been a paying member of the ARRL since 1992. The continued inflexabilty of your organization hinders the growth of this wonderful hobby. Get with program and start allowing new methods to help stimulate growth and particpation. KA5DWI
Wake up ! The fixation with the old way of doing things is holding us all back. It's LOOPY !!! Come on , embrace the change, don't resist progress. G4HOL
The ARRL wants us to use the mail to "obtain a card at no charge". Hey ARRL, have you mailed anything lately?? WC2W
The ARRL wants us to use the mail to "obtain a card at no charge". Hey ARRL, have you mailed anything lately?? WC2W
Just checked ARRL on line membership..You dont have to prove your a ham to get full voting rights. Ironic that there is more concern for cheating on DXCC that to cheat in getting a voting membership (anonymous)
I think you administrators at arrl had better get your "think tank" working and re- K1FAL
consider you ancient position and get abreast of the real world!! K1FAL
before you become a historic event that couldn't stay alive due to stubborness. K1FAL
Your position is not condusive to common sense. K1FAL
I urge the ARRL to reconsider. eQSL is a valid and secure means of QSL'ing. You can't ignore the technology. N3GNW
I will NOT renew ARRL membership until eQSL position is reversed. ARRL is supposed to represent its membership. It no longer represents me with its retrograde notions. AF4TF
I will NOT renew ARRL membership until eQSL position is reversed. ARRL is supposed to represent its membership. It no longer represents me with its retrograde notions. AF4TF
I'm a member of the ARRL, and went along with low code, where did it get you? Lets get on board!!!! AA7WB
I'm a life member of the ARRL and would hope you would reconsider your decision. I like to operate ... I want to QSL, but I never seem to have the time K9SO
Take a look at How's DX (Oct 2002) es the article "Those Blank Cards" KB3FCS
eQSL is much faster, cheeper, better! KB3FCS
I am upset that ARRL is stillworking in THE GOOD OLD DAYS , to date I have over 500.00 in cards that will never be seen by me you mail them out and never get them back . wake up ARRL and go with eqsl WB8JHT
TO ARRL: Please reconsider recognizing eQSLs towards your awards programs. Consider the following: 1. With eQSL fraud is LESS LIKELY than with paper cards 2. There is virtually NO DIFFERENCE between eQSLs and emailed contest CABRILLO's WW3K
I have received several dozen eQSL's that are NOT in my log. Clearly the system can be spoofed. I recommend against ARRL accepting eQSL. K0HB
If their not in your log use the regect button... its that simple. if you accept them your the cheater N1MDS
that doesnt justify your "I recommend against arrl accepting eQSL" statement. N1MDS
duuuuhhhhhh!!!!! N1MDS
Das ist eine RICHTIGE Schande eQSL nicht anzuerkennen! Schließlich ist das Gaslicht auch schon unmodern ! OE3JAG
N5TF - eqsl system is just as secure as online payments and many other sites both government and commercial. Any argument presented against this system can also be made against a paper system. At least this system has security codes, etc. N5TF
The time for being reasonable, begging for reasonable decisions is over. (anonymous)
It is time for your SAD membership to be brave "profiles in courage" and quit (anonymous)
your dynasty and leave you in the sand with the rest of the ostriches. you are moot (anonymous)
antiquated, gerplunked, verbotten, kaput, and pigheaded. I leave you forever. (anonymous)
Attn: ARRL HQ: Support your membership and accept e-qsls. Not all League members have piles of money to spend on the current rate of return on cards,most working hams can`t afford DXCC. KC7STK/4
You can get your lotw off the ground but I will never use it after the way you treated eQSL. (anonymous)
there is to much unrest going on in the world...merge and bring peace and lets be one happy family M3FRH
Plain and simple: ARRL, you shold accept QSls from eQSL. This is no threat to the organization, LotW, or the awards system. Work with these guys and make it better for all of us. It would be a great use of our dues! N6DBT
A real pity that the ARRL has to take this stand. Eqsl provides a system that smacks of efficiency is automated and as foolproof as the current manual system. Other clubs have the sme attifude (Mine is the RSGB). 21th Centuary? G0WJN
( all recieved reply later ) thats the ARRL: M3FRH
Hey !!!!! ARRL .............. We want E-QSL approval. Lets get with the program. KE7NT
ARRL - As a long-time ARRL member I urge the ARRL to reconsider incorporating the eQSL process. With the high cost associated with standard mailing services we need to take advantage of creative systems that allow us to be more efficient and cost effective. KR6E
I print all my own QSL cards on a simple PC and cheap printer, if I wanted to I could easily and quickly change details and callsign and forge a QSL--eQSL would be not impossible but more "dangerous" to try-----please reconsider ARRL G3LPU
I've been forging for years and have 5bwas... ha ha eQSL would prevent that.. (anonymous)
I urge the ARRL to reconsider. eQSL is a valid and secure means of QSL'ing. You can't ignore the technology.,Hello this is not spark gap days! K5HCW
Oyes been a ham 35 Years now arrl best take notice!!!!!! K5HCW
ARRL can't copyright it and can't sell it, that is their problem. N5BJ
I would encourage ALL eQSL users to ALSO post their feelings/comments on the eQSL review on and to contact their respective ARRL Section Managers. KEEP THE PRESSURE ON! WW3K
I've dropped my member ship to the ARRL, not worth it any more N6VUJ
With current postal rates in some countries and the exchange for a US$ it can cost almost $3 per QSL. Lets get real..we need an alternative to the post office. Bureaus are great but slow. VE6ZT
I use security envelopes, metered stamps, and no callsigns on an envelope and at least 30% never get $3 each that is a lot of wasted money. Time the ARRL woke up and looked at the advantages of eqsl's VE6ZT
I use security envelopes, metered stamps, and no callsigns on an envelope and at least 30% never get $3 each that is a lot of wasted money. Time the ARRL woke up and looked at the advantages of eqsl's VE6ZT
As a member since 1969 and a life member now, I am disappointed that ARRL does not accept eQSL's. Real DX cards are prohibitively expensive and time consuming. E-QSLs are the future and the future is now. Please reconsider! N8WL
The ARRL has once again confirmed why I dropped my membership years ago! This eQSL service is a great way to QSL and the ARRL should wake up. K4DRW
Its unfortunate that jealousy has so many faces. The ARRL won't accept e-QSL's because they are mad someone beat them to, or should I say HAD THE VISION before they did. C'mon ARRL, its time to give in! N8YEL
Of course - DXCC electronically via Logbook of the World, special logging program, digital certificate = (ARRL) = They get to own eqsling. Not fair! VE9TS
Of course - DXCC electronically via Logbook of the World, special logging program, digital certificate = (ARRL) = They get to own eqsling. Not fair! VE9TS
In this day and age of computer use eQSL as well as the Bureau qsl cards should both count! Please reconsider! it can't hurt the ARRL but only help. WB2DZH
As a Life Member of the ARRL for 20 Years I feel it is time for the organization to get moving on electronic QSL. If it must be by their own system that is fine but eQSL has gone to great lengths to make you happy! KK7X
I also urge the ARRL to reconsider incorporating the eQSL process. They have gone to great lengths to please the ARRL and have made the process a secure one. Please accept this eQSL service .. Thank You! VE9TS
eQSL's are more secure then the paper version you can scan in a qsl card and change the information in little time - ARRL Please Change Your Mind! M3PHP
The ARRL is not user friendly or state of the art . As a life member I want this service approved by ARRL now WB3ILM
ARRL you are now a moot entity. If you paid me a nickle an entry I would still never use your LOTW. Your position is the reason I have terminated my membership and interest in ARRL (anonymous)
Fresh ideas can come from places even outside ARRL, guys. Work with them for a solution, you'll br surprised. K4MZ
I'm a life member of the ARRL and have been licensed over 30 years. I am truely disapointed at the unimaginative position of the League on this matter. WA1MKE
ARRL announced LOTW some 22 months ago and then... silence except for one snipet about limited testing some 3 months ago. Can they really do it????? (anonymous)
It's not too late to drag yourself into the modern world, come on ARRL ,bend. VE3ARF
Not Surprised they've denied. The regular card system is secure? (I've received MULTIPLE cards from some single contacts; one filled in, and others blank "...if anyone else needs one." The current system is rife w/ holes... KC2CJW
I have 2000 blank cards .. anyone want one to fill out WA1ROI
eQSL is great ! - do accept it !! VE3WQ
it's not a suprised from ARRL this organisation need some $$$ It's not an non profits organization too bad but I never send money to ARRL I think the gentleman inside this organisation is too old ! VE2QCG
Take a few minutes to going inside to the webpage from ARRL and you will notes no informations are free you need to be members if you want to have information about Ham radio I think the Radio Amateur it 's a hobbies not for make some $$$ VE2QCG
Get with the program ARRL! W2KRP
eQSL works, and works well. LOTW Beta is a joke in comparison. No reason to reinvent the wheel, particularly not a square one. W0RLI
would it be different if you guys did not have lotw? who came first Eqsl or lotw?????? N5SX
Its rather obvious that eQSL came first thats why arrl is so bent out of shape and they live in dark ages (anonymous)
Absurd ARRL decision, like paper ones cant be forged easier if someone really wanted too. geez arrl, get with it guys! KB0NLY
Like the dinosaurs, those who fail to adapt to change are doomed to extinction. Get with the times ARRL! KQ6IK
Thanks to eQSL being licensed for just over one year I have a wall covered with QSL cards! I think ARRL's decision is flat out WRONG! Hang in there eQSL & thanks for the awesome service you provide the HAM radio community worldwide! AG4RC
I love eQSL and the ARRL both. eQSL is not an authentication authority for the ARRL. If the ARRL doesn't want to accept eQSLs for the ARRL Awards it's OK with me. eQSL has it's own awards and they are just as valuable as the ARRL awards. N8XD
I have tried the Beta LOTW software. That is more complicated than logging into my bank account through my bank's website! KO4BB
The saddest part is that the ARRL is probably proud of that fact! KO4BB
The requirement for landmail QSLs should go the same way the CW reqiurement has gone. KX9N
eQSL card should be consisdered just as good as printed ones. Lets face it, if someone wants to cheat they will just print their own paper QSL cards. We are talking only of a certificate not something more. KH6RY
eQSL card should be consisdered just as good as printed ones. Lets face it, if someone wants to cheat they will just print their own paper QSL cards. We are talking only of a certificate not something more. KH6RY
I'm a ARRL member and I think you are just being hardnoses because someone did some upmanship on you. The e-qsl system in my opinion is more secure than regular qsls. Anyone with a dime a dozen graphic design program can cheat. K4JJW
I have 3 friends who have numerous blank DX Cards for trade. In about 3 minutes I can confirm more than 25 DX countries I never talked to if I desired. eQSL can’t be cheated like that! N4PGW
eQSL has one bad setback. Most contacts need to be confirmed by comparing Sent and Received RSTs. eQSL drops the received and does not allow us to compare them for a valid contact. N4PGW
Not matching sent and received RST disqualifies them from being used in contests or for certain awards. N4PGW
Electronic QSL's are the future of our hobby. Maybe the future does not include ARRL? Ride the wave my friends and be careful not to get bumped off along the way. Get on board. (anonymous)
First of all I'm an ARRL member, and I agree with a lot of what they do and their positions, However, in this case I think they have it wrong. Yes, I suppose it may be possible to falsify a qsl card, and indeed probably has been done on KD4NDK
more than one occasion. But I always do a paper log, and work from that for QSLing, so as to make everything legitimate. That pretty well removes any chance of fakes in my opinion. KD4NDK
I thihk that that they in ARRL dont know how expensive and dangerous is to send qsl to some countries with 1 or 2 US $ and that mail is lost. NO dollars no qsl...and of course sending cards trought bureau takes minimum 1-2 years... 9A2KL
and finally people in some countries are not enough rich to pay all this satisfaction. I am retired and know how hard is survive. With eqsl it is enoy. I suport you N5UP 9A2KL
I switched my paper logs to the pc ... NOW I am sending ALL my cards via - there is just no better way! thanks eQSL! VE3WQ
It is upsetting that the ARRL does not support Listen up ARRL, you have to interoperate with other organizations, such as and step into the present, not the future of eQSL's but the present. KB8LFA
ARRL was always behind the times and out of touch with hams. N2TDT
The ARRL better find a way to work with eQSL or it will be out of the award business. We need new leadership at the ARRL to replace the current older style management. It is time to become a world organization. KD6IRE
The ARRL focus should be to keep the amateur radio hobby fun and to move forward with technology. Instead, by not taking a chance on technology ARRL becomes a road block to the hobby. KD6IRE
ARRL DXCC? What's that? Never heard of THAT award! Must not be part of the e-qsl system. KH6RW
Please work with eQSL to develop a process for earning ARRL awards, submitting contest logs, etc. I'm a life member of ARRL. NL7EL
Here is the answer people...When you work your DXCC requirement just print your own certificate.. It would still mean the same thing as ARRL's money making scheme.. K1FAL
ARRL Logbook of the Worst? Send a copy of my drivers licence, how do I send a copy aof a credit card type licence? What a no brainer that is... wake up ARRL stop living in the past... G8VHB
Looks like a duplicate effort.. Why? eQSLs work just fine. KL7IPV
The ARRL pretends they have all the wisedom in the world, but in fact they are just like the pope who says you may not use condoms. The world will turn backwards with suchs a bureaucratic mind. WE DON'T LIVE IN THE STONEAGES ANYMORE !!! ON7BS
The ARRL pretends they have all the wisedom in the world, but in fact they are just like the pope who says you may not use condoms. The world will turn backwards with suchs a bureaucratic mind. WE DON'T LIVE IN THE STONEAGES ANYMORE !!! ON7BS
To hell with eQSL! ARRL's Logbook Of The World ROCKS! (anonymous)
Can you explain to me where is the diference between a traditional qsl and a e-qsl guaranted by a certificate. . F5PRR
I'm not an ARRL member, but after seeing the complex mess of LOTW I don't think I'll bother. eQSL is simple and easy by comparison. G6FCI
I had thought of working towards DXCC, but eDX100 looks just as good to me...I'm probably the only person who will ever see the certificate anyway! G6FCI
The ARRL should accept eQLSs. K6GO
I use ARRL primarily for the email address forwarding function, otherwise, I would DIS-OWN them in a heartbeat for their smugness towards after all, eqsl was FIRST and LBOTW is a DAMN ripoff!!! K1NWB
Eqsl and ARRL should agree to have a daily/weekly database dump between Eqsl and LOTW, then both organizations stand to profit $$. Then each could profit with the awards and QSL approvals. What a shame they have to compete... (anonymous)
Hams are pretty much a self governing group. If they can be trusted to goveren themselves, why are they not trusted to use eQSL??? KF4YGW
Had been working towards DXCC. Now working towards eDX100. That way I get a cert EI6AL
Had been working towards DXCC. Now woring towards eDX100. That way I get a cert from an organisation that is far more in touch with the spirit of amateur radio - something the ARRL appears to have forgotton. EI6AL
I got a pack of cards in the post today - the fastest had taken 18 months from date of QSO. Got a bunch of eQSL on the PC, the slowest was 36 hours!. No competition. Bye Bye ARRL. (anonymous)
LOTW is easy and great. eQSL now asks for my LOTW password to W7IUO
get certified. I'm not comfortable with this. Why is it taking so long to get W7IUO
the LOTW awards going. There are nice QSLs for me on eQSL that I W7IUO
would like to see on LOTW. There should be a way for both W7IUO
would like to see on LOTW. There should be a way for both W7IUO
ARRL - Please reconsider. eQSL is secure. N1ZHE
As an ARRL life member, I am very disappointed. It is time to move into and recognize new technologies. If the early pioneers of our hobby had the same mind-set, where would amateur radio be today? It's time to get some new, younger peop WB8JUI
le involved in the ARRL! Without change and new technologies, our hobby will not survive. WB8JUI
There is NO REAL reasons the ARRL should not support E-QSL - Please do so now. Thank You! (anonymous)
Not recognizing eQSL is yet another reason for me not to join ARRL. KD5FID
eBanks and eCommerce process billions of dollars on the internet without problems. Why does the ARRL think QSO data is more vulnerable to hackers than money? I think eQSL is a great service in the true spirit or our hobby. W2XYZ
No excuse for the ARRL not to support eQSL! This is the second major disappointment to me by the league. If I wasn't a Life Member, I wouldn't renew. N4ARI
One of the ARRLs unilateral decisions was the incentive license issue. I did not like it then, don't like it now, and don't like them making decisions effecting the membership at large without a vote.Let's vote on the eQSL issue. WA4EWV
Its simple.. the ARRL wants you to use their data base and charge you 25 cents per qsl used for credit towards an award.They aren't getting the 25 cents from Thats why they won't use eqsls. Follow the money. K1KOB
ARRL - it is all we have for lobbying. Guess ya gotta support 'em. But sheesh, c'mon ARRL guys - time to change that old paradigm! (anonymous)
I'll be just as proud of a WAS or DXCC from eQSL as from ARRL N4WYR
why ARRL won't use eqsls? Follow the money. They don't make any with eQSL. I thought ARRL was for the hams not to make some few rich. AF7W
It's pretty bad when the FCC trusts you more than the ARRL does. After all, it's JUST a piece of paper. KB9ERU
If I didn't know any better, I would think that not only the ARRL, but other organisations around the globe were in league with their individual nation's post offices. Postage has long been a ripoff and the buro is hopeless. VK7BBW
If I didn't know any better, I would think that not only the ARRL, but other organisations around the globe were in league with their individual nation's post offices. Postage has long been a ripoff and the buro is hopeless. VK7BBW
Is the ARRL ever going to realise that a vast majority of hams are on a fixed income and cannot affort direct qsling ? VK7BBW
The time for eQSLs has come. Eventually, the ARRL will join. N0KBD
Just wait until amateurs, contest stations and dx peditions only use LoTW and do'nt acknowledge paper qsl's, then amateurs cannot get conformations out of LoTW for there own award interests = annoyed and frustrated amateurs (anonymous)
One more reason to continue my boycott of the ARRL. AD6FR
ARRL = NRA <-- lost touch with the average person (anonymous)
I joined ARRL Nov. 19, 1958 - I dropped out in the 60's (no time/place for ham radio). I rejoined in the early 70's and dropped back out. The ARRL's interest is $$$ not the hobby!!! Respond to our needs and I will rejoin. W4LQJ
They are just Mad they didn't think of it first.........73 KB5VJY
Once again the ARRL has put cash flow ahead of common sense and Ham's best interests. Not recognizing E-QSL's REEKs of self interest! Wake up ARRL! Don't you don't get it? Ham's are dumping thier membership. Stop being so self-serving! K2ESE
LOTW - Looks like a duplicate effort.. Why? eQSLs work just fine. KC0NNT
Freedom of expression and thought on new ideas! We should all remember what a great hobby and country we have that supports our freedoms to say what we want , arrl as you all have noticed started there own system to try to keep up! N8ERV
but the real question is do they really have the ear of the ham community now or have they lost touch with the hobby to some degree. Dxcc is the arrl's game so they do have the right to make the rules to there own game. N8ERV
I also was a member of the arrl but it got most expensive to continue on with a membership and the publications seem to become more and more techinical too. Eqsl keep up the good work ! N8ERV
Are we as Hams not on the honor system? eQSL is fast and efficient. It is no different than using the post office. K5YDD
ARRL, what´s the problem not accepting eQSL? We are living in 2004 and new technic and way of communication is a reality! Think twice and accept that. I hope the reason for not accepting this don´t have any fear for the staff loosing jobs.. SM5BCF
It appears that ARRL was and is afraid of competition, as intricate and silly as LOTW KE9PH
ARRL: I encourage you to reconsider and accept eQSL as a practical alternative to hard-card mailings and postage. It is as secure a method as any other currently in use. Please don't reject eQSL because it "wasn't invented here." 4U/KC0PA
I am an ARRL member and would like them to explain why, in an article in QST, they refuse to accept eQSL confirmations. 4U/KC0PA
if and when you work the W1AW just eQSL the contact, and ask if this will be confirmed by a paper card, come on guys wake up and smell the coffee G0MPR
Just because the ARRL didnt think of this idea first they dont approve, now they have come out with LOTW, who is stealing who's ideas here, the ARRL is just like the RSGB, only interested in making money from people who enjoy this hobby (anonymous)
How about it ARRL? Get off the hog and accept eQSL's! WM5Z
We are in the Digital Age...Let Internet and Wavelengths Merge VA3PGS
please dont reject eqsl just because you didn't think of it first. WA5K
when so many request direct qsls - costly in postage :( - eqsl gives a viable low cost alternative - so why reject it? Anyone sad enough to cheat will do it anyway by printing their own QSLs and submitting them - eQSL is much more secure. G6CVX
ARRL says "Promote the hobby" then wants to control all aspects of promoting. KI6LO
So much for intercompatibility and cohesiveness between organizations. No wonder ham radio is dying!!!! KI6LO
ARRL's LOTW is quite complicated and requires a effort on part of the user. eQSL is like falling of a log. Easy to use and efficient too. KI6LO
I registered with LOTW shortly after it started. I am very dissapointed with number of qsl's being credited. I thought our goal was to increase DXCC activity. How can you say that a signed card is more authentic that a copy of your license? KF8PD
Probably any one of use that wanted to, could create a qsl card and make it look authentic. I believe that anyone forging, or altering a card for credit, is only hurting themself. If someone wants to do it illegally, they will find a way. KF8PD
I feel the ARRL is resistant to change, and is trying to save face in the matter. Don't wait till you loose more members, before choosing to honor the EQSL cards. Your only hurting yourself! KF8PD
it looks like a dictum, our way or not at all. But what do you expect from a self-seeking establishment. who cares which logo is on their award. (anonymous)
i'm looking a the list of organisations accepting eqsls, and see that the two dinasaurs of amateur radio are missing, the arrl and the rsgb. nuff said!!! (anonymous)
eQSL is very good service congratulation N5UP Dave Morris for your very good work FO5RJ
If you are an ARRL member, have you asked director candidates about their position on eqsl? Directors who might loose their job is how you pressure the ARRL. They don't care about nonmembers. WA1MKE
I just signed up for eqsl (free). Put $5 in a postage account using paypal. Donated more to become a bronze member to put my photo on the eqsl card. Decisions like these have kept me from arrl membership since I was licensed in 1994. KD4SIR
Please re-consider your decision N3HU
I wonder if the ARRL is even considering the changing needs of the general ham population. We are a group that embraces new technology and it is time to move on. IT also seems that the ARRL is trying to control and own the entire QSL proces N3KMG
Even though it is their awards and need control for validaty they should not limit our enjoyment of the hobby. This is a good alternitave to out dated thinking and move on. There is a reason I quit the ARRL! N3KMG
This is a hobby. No one is running for president here! eQSL's are as valid as receiving a card in the mail. I believe the real reason you don't accept it, is because you are looking for another way or raising $$$$$$!! N2FPB
As a life member, I am upset that the ARRL does not have the vision to see the future. Their decision is only self serving. I feel that an award from eQSL will have more meaning and value to me. K9IGU
ARRL, please come out of the dark ages and enter the 21st century. The e-qsl service is the best service around and it is a pity that you have chosen to ignore this service W6LEN
If the ARRL is a democratic organisation, the members of ARRL should attend at the annual meeting and vote for the acceptance of e-QSL. After all, ARRL is ours, not the board of directors. (CU2JT, ARRL member) CU2JT
There is no difference between the ARRL´s LoTW and the electronic QSL cards issued via The whole thing is that ARRL doesn´t make one single penny from! LA2MOA/QRP
eQSL is a superb idea and a great program. Why not just get aboard and forget about the small nick in your power base? The alternative could be a bigger lose. You could end up loosing a lot more! WN4DW
As both an ARRL member and user of LoTW, and an eQSL Silver member, I do find the eQSL method to be very secure, convenient, and more advanced in design and implementation. N4BTB
Hey ARRL, lets ease the EXPENSE for hams and backs of the postal workers. I guess they think that no one ever submitted a card that they didn't earn, shame on them for not acknowledging a good thing when they see it. WS2E
Lets see 5band WAS at .23/qsl =$57.50 postage, lets face it we'll spend a lot more unless we only send out 1 card per state :( cost of 5BWAS via eqsl $0.00 hmmm. I could better use the $57 towards a new radio, or emerg.pwr source! WS2E
Could it be that you are using the NIH (Not invented here) factor in your decision not to endorse Eqsl cards. It is about time you joined them. WA4RTG
This is a ridiculous and arbitrary policy. It needs to change. AK4EA
I let my ARRL membership lapse. This is because they have done NOTHING for ME! Truly, I would re-join the league if eqsl was accepted. Nowadays it is very hard to pay postage to send a paper card, where as eqsl is there in an instant. KC2GOW
ARRL----eQSL is fast and efficient haven`t seen any prove that Lotw is (anonymous)
I once was a Member of the ARRL. and the nonsense that you provide to the Amateur Community, it very arrogant. Why is it that when an private venture like eQSL beat you to the punch in QSL card confirmation. Get with it WAKE UP!! NU1G
Radio hams are self disciplined? Why would we forge a QSL?? G0VTI
As a ARRL Life Member I am disappointed that the league will not accept eQSLs. This is a great and secure system. I use LotW as well and find eQSL to be a great addition. KF9SQ
I just spent the evening trying to figure out the LotW system. I guess this is what happens when someone tries to re-invent the wheel. What a time waster! Guess I'll stick with eQSL. (anonymous)
As an ARRL member I am very dissapointed by your attitude towards eQSLs. As someone who has worked in the secure transaction processing business for 20 years, I know that it is possible to do this securely. KV4DN
Within the spirit of Amateur Radio, eQSL works. I cannot see what the ARRL 's problem is, other than $$$$$ (anonymous)
The ARRL doesn't require digital encryption when using their site. Why would they ask that of eQSL? Is there really some computer hacker out there that would try to break into the system to get an award? No way! N4HLR
ARRL, Stop living in the past, it's 2005 now support eQsl. OZ2AFY
youre not guarding uranium get with the times eQSL is a great thing (anonymous)
I have ti agree with the idea that a mailed card is less secure.I can sit at my PC and make some great looking cards ant they would not know the difference.Get real or risk members leaving. KC9AYS
eQSL is really great, quick and cheap ! ARRL do accept it !! IK5FEV
Everybody's just talking about cheating; but the only person in the world interested in getting DXCC is just... ME... so if I am cheating, I'm cheating on myself. So why bother at al in security ? PA0MAW
Disappointing that eQSL is not accepted for award confirmation, among other possible modes. Life has changed with technology, why isn't ARRL able to adapt? So sad. VE6AMA
What don't you advance with the Technology! If I wanted a Award I print on using my computer. eQSL is easier and more conveniont. N3ZWW
why why ??? they must accept !! F5LCT
As a member of the ARRL I am disappointed in the ARRL's stand on eQSL's. The eQsl system is as safe as the Logbook of the world. Why are you acting like a baby and not getting with the program and grow up. It's 2005 not 1905. AH6RR
Why are you still refusing to accept eqsl's. NS4V
Dear ARRL, Aren't you (we) supposed to advance and promote the hobby? Please explain. Thank you. KK5NS
Dear ARRL, I worked W1AW...why don't you apply to eQSL and get my card??!! KD4ULW
Just entered the ADIF downloaded from eQSL, 98 Qso, 34 Qsl to Lotw..14 Qsl. Guess who i'm going with. WW5AA
Being a new HAM and a MISTAKABLE Member of ARRL, I have found that very few people return eQSL's, as well as very few people speak well of the ARRL, when me 3 yr supply of QST toilet paper runs out, I'll be using Charmin, and eQSL just like K4RWH
I do now. I could careless about ARRL and why they won't accept this or that, they give our bands to BPL and we have to put up with the crap. THis is my Hobby, I'll quit when the pry my rotten fingers away from my mic/keyer. K4RWH
I would like to see global acceptance of eQSLs HB9CVQ
I will collect my cards on eQSL and my awards on eQSL and when the ARRL is ready to accept and use the system, or at least my ADIF file then iI will collect thier Awards also. They eventually will have to Accept our wants. Tnx. K2LNX
I will collect my cards on eQSL and my awards on eQSL and when the ARRL is ready to accept and use the system, or at least my ADIF file then I will collect thier Awards also. They eventually will have to Accept our wants. Tnx. K2LNX
I make the contact. I confirm the contact however I wish. If I am satisfied, who cares what the ARRL thinks! KC9ENH
I don't understand why they are being hard headed on the eQSL logging. W7GMC
I have been an ARRL member for over 25 years. ARRL should welcome I will QSL in any manner specified by my contact but I prefer eQSL. K7DKJ
I'm a LIFE member of ARRL and LoTW is horrible. should be accepted by the ARRL. It's a shame that the ARRL has such a monetary interest in amateur radio, rather than what is good for everyone. K2MFW
With so few hams actually using LoTW...why upload contact that will never be QSL'd. eQSL's are by far the hands down winners among hams. K2MFW
I'm very unhappy about your group not accepting eqsl, another reason not to be a member of your group. (anonymous)
Looks like a reason to quit ARRL K4KWM
How about a compromise... no more than 25 QSL's of a DXCC can be "electronic" ? At least that would be a step in the right direction! KB5GC
Looks like the ARRL is to old fashion, reason to quit!!! LA3XIA
It's a pity that the ARRL doesn't accept eQSL for DXCC and other award purposes for what I can see as no valid reason after all we OM's and YL's are supposed to be gentlemen/ladies. G7USC
In addition to my earlier comment (i hadn't really finished it :) This attitude of the ARRL is more like one of the RSGB (which i am also a member of). I do start to wonder whether it is of any value with such backward think to be in eithe G7USC
I just download the ADIF from eQSL and upload it to LOTW, eQSL response is about 25% better! WW5AA
ARRL should work withe E-qsl to give more hams and enjoyabel hobbie AE2EE
I like EQSL LOTW sucks. ARRL think they are the FCC and who are they to dictate to me. W7OJL
It is a sad state of affairs but the ARRL wants to control the playing field. KC9GGV
Out almost 540 contacts on the ARRL LoTW I only have 38 QSLs. On eQSL I have over 100 AG contacts ratio > 2:1 KC9GGV
Yes, a membership vote should tell the truth to ARRL. Be open with your membership and accept eQsl. W6FG
KI4BBK Here. Come on ARRL. It is looking like almost EVERY HAM outfit around is accepting eQSLs. You are asking for a lot more security than my bank does for web transactions. GET WITH THE PROGRAM! SPARK GAPS WENT OUT WITH MARCONI! KI4BBK
Let the use of eqsl come up as a membership vote. why should i spend money for either internation mail or for use of your software. I've been a member of the arrl since 1971 -- i think i've sent enough money their way WB0EYA
I don't want to beat a dead horse, but eQsl is the way of the future and Lotw stinks like a dead horse. ND6S
I will not renew my ARRL membership due to lack of acceptance of eQSL. WB9VKZ
Come on ARRL (and RSGB), move forward, embrace this and prove that you can offer real support to amateur radio. M3OXZ
As an ARRL member I prefer eQSL to LOTW WB2KUI
I got an EQSL card mailed to me, so it is a hard copy, and because it had the Eqsl logo on it, it was not accepted. However in the same batch was a flimsy computer generated QSL, it was OK? ARRL get with it ! (anonymous)
I use LoTW and EQSL, ratio is 4 to one on verified Eqsl's. Hope some day LoTW and Eqsl can reach some understanding, as Eqsl is far easier and more responsive. ARRL consider it please. N6KZB/XE2
You guys need to post once. Quit this childish ego multi posting. Yes, Wayne and Dave, you are lagging behind. I am a card man first but endorsements after the basic award are ridiculous if eqsls aren't allowed. You are hurting all dxers. (anonymous)
The conservatism of the ARRL is hurting the service. Instead of being on the technological cutting edge where the service needs to be the League is being a Ludite in this manner. If they continue, their relevance will decrease further. N2IKR
I vote for eQSL K0REL
I vote for eQSL K0REL
I vote for eQSL I5DOF
I vote for eQSL IK5DHL
I vote for eQSL IQ5RR
I will not join ARRL until acceptance of eQSL. K2FEF
I also vote for eQSL. N4DN
ARRL is NOT for what HAM radio it is the People that make HAM radio not the ARRL (anonymous)
Isn't it ironic that an organization dedicated to electronic experimentation is acting like a total Luddite. Please accept eQSLs. KF6KKP
The Security for QSL's required by the ARRL are absurd. They are more secure than those required by the FDA for electronic drug submissions under part 11 compliance. Loosen up ARRL, this is a hobby and the award system is way too complex. (anonymous)
As a member of ARRL and a LOTW user I admit that eQSL is much more gratifying. I am sticking with eQSL with the confidence that the ARRL will wake up someday. AB8IE
One more vote for EQSL !! get off your high horse.!!! NY4FD
I sent an email to the ARRL CEO and just babble. If the ARRL accepts contest results via email, not secured certificates, then WHY is it so hard for them to brace technology and accept eQSL's? GREED??? The ARRL makes money from LOTW and (anonymous)
I sent an email to the ARRL CEO and just babble. If the ARRL accepts contest results via email, not secured certificates, then WHY is it so hard for them to brace technology and accept eQSL's? GREED??? The ARRL makes money from LOTW and (anonymous)
I sent an email to the ARRL CEO and just babble. If the ARRL accepts contest results via email, not secured certificates, then WHY is it so hard for them to brace technology and accept eQSL's? GREED??? The ARRL makes money from LOTW. (anonymous)
I've sent cards with postage (IRC's) and never received anything. Waste of time and money!! I just got one and sent one in an hour!! Work FOR us not AGAINST us, it's not rocket science, It's 2006 not 1906! WB1FTK
I've downloaded their LOTW crap.....Its flaky at best and compared to EQSL...LOTW hardly has any users. After Aug I'll no longer be a member of the ARRL! It's not like their DXCC is the only one that means anything! KC4IVG
PS. Sorry but the above comment was as "TACTFUL" as I feel when dealing with the ARRL....Sorry! KC4IVG
PS. Sorry but the above comment was as "TACTFUL" as I feel when dealing with the ARRL....Sorry! KC4IVG
I am Tired of the ARRL ..non profit my ass... their publication prices are through the roof,,, Lotw should be free ... !!! Iam not giving them any more money.. considering dropping out of ARRL. (anonymous)
One more reason i aint in it anymore. The negatives now outweigh the positives. AJ4D
Very, VERY disappointed by ARRL. They need to start learning live in an electronic world if they want to survive ! F1JXQ
lets get real it's the 21 cent in 69yrs up with it ZS6HWC
A eDX100 is just as good as an ARRL DXCC. I was awed by the ARRL WAS award when I was a novice, but that was 35 years ago and I was 12. I have grown up and they should too. KQ9J
Come on now! No need for this, eQSL is just as secure as many online banks so what's the problem, help the hobby don't hinder it, there's room for both methods. WB2DZH
It's really too bad that ARRL has chosen to go it's own way, but it will be without my support or participation. (anonymous)
eQsl is the future in ham IZ6GSP
You take yourselves way too seriously. What is DXCC anyway, an weapon of mass destruction? So what if someone "forges" a DXCC. What does it get you? Geez, its a friggin hobby. Quit taking this so seriously, you are not that important. WW5X
Even though I've been a member of the ARRL for a few years, I find eQSL to be easier for me to use. It would be in the interest of all electronic QSL'ers to have the ARRL accept eQSLs and vice versa. Please consider accepting eQSLs. 73 N1CJG
Not accepting eQSL is like not accepting PSK31. AB8IE
Thislong time ARRL member is Quite dissappointed with the complexity, pain and unfriendliness of logbook of the world! Please recognize the viable and secure alternative: eQSL. Enter the 21st century finally! KE4PT
Another member heard from ARRL. I have rarely seen such steadfast obstinance from those at the top as we see with this anti e-qsl stance. Out with the Wuf-Hong guys.... apply it to your heads and see the light of the new age. e-qsl!! WB0OIZ
By golly.. just got a good look at the Oak and Bronze Dx and WAS awards e-qsl is putting out... I dont think I will miss the leagues offerings after all! ;) 73 ARRL WB0OIZ
LOTW is a boring joke. eQSL rules! N4ECW
I am disappointed in the Log Book of the World participation level. Why bother when most HAMS are using eQSL anyway. ARRL does so many things right, but LoTW seems to me to be a fiasco. I'm done posting to it. KA7U
It truly unfortunate that in this time of dwindling interest in Amateur Radio, the ARRL, the organization that is supposed to advance interest in the hobby can't seem to be able to see beyond it's own myopic self interests. NY4FL
Is it possible the ARRL actually believes there are hams stupid enough to forge QSL's? And if so who cares? Why punish the rest of us because of a few morons? LOTW is no fun, and is NOT the answer NY4FL
It surprises me how many "anonymous" comments have been made. Have we become afraid of the ARRL? Will they cancel our memberships or revoke our licenses. Wear your call proudly!!! NY4FL
I'm truly dissappointed with ARRL for not accepting eQSsL. They should come into the 21st century. I've tried LOTW and find it simply much too cumbersome. Looks like it was designed by FEMA. Likely will not renew my ARRL membership. W7DAX
It is very disappointing that ARRL will not except eQSLs, at the moment i have traditional QSL cards which have cost hundreds of pounds in postage to collect, also i have lost lots of money because of none returned cards M0BRK
I would like to continue using the traditional award system provided by the ARRL, but i am seriously thinking of using the eQSL award system instead, becouse it is such a great idea, no more waiting years for QSLs and no more wasted postage M0BRK
I'm an ARRL member, but I am disappointed. I like this service, and LOTW is really not any fun to use at all...this hobby should ALL be fun. Get the eDXCC here instead. I like the services I get here, so I bought a membership. KB5YLG
For a group that is pushing digital modes you would think they would push digital QSL's and eQsl is much better than their own lotw. Lotw would have better acceptance if they(arrl) would acknowledge, and even work with, eQSl. KE7FFM
As a member, I keep reading about how we need to attract new and younger members. My son is interested due to eQSL. Get with the program! AJ8B
ARRL is good for some things, but seems to want TOO much control AB2MS
They need to start learning live in an electronic world if they want to survive ! F8VZ
Obviously, the ARRL is politically motivated not to accept e-QSL's for whatever reason. This has absolutely nothing to do with mistrust of technology. K2DGM
ARRL, Hello, Whats up with you. Ihave tried to go into eqsl and change things on some of my cards just to see if could be done. It can't be. Maybe if I were some kind of genius hacker, but then why go to the trouble. Logbook is so cumbersom NC4MI
The ARRL continues to ignore technology, eQSL and secure Digital QSL Cards are the future. Embrace technology advancements. WA7HYD
ARRL - wake up and smell the coffee! eQSL is here to stay. The comparitive membership/user numbers speak for themselves. You can't beat eQSL so why not move into the 21st century and get your head out of the sand! Accept eQSL or lose! ZL3RG
With the cost of postage and printing cards, eqsl is a no brainer. Secure? You have to have a password and your call sign. I sent in my license to be authenticated. What more can you ask for. Even LOTW has a place to report fowl play. AD2H
Why is that? So no matter what the system if it is so important to cheat at getting an award then so be it. We know who did the work and who didn't. This is a Hobby. To bad is keeps costing so much. Keep up the good work E-Qsl. AD2H
As a new ARRL member I think LOTW is too complicated. I prefer eQSL and I think it has adequate safeguards. KC9JBU
We are in the 21th century, it's time to move to the present future with the improvement of technlogy. eQSL is a really reliable and tool at the disposal from any ham who have an internet access and just hav 9Q1TB
We are in the 21th century, it's time to move to the present future with the improvement of technlogy. eQSL is a really reliable and tool at the disposal from any ham who have an internet access and just hav 9Q1TB
Let's move to the present future with improvement of technlogies. eQSL is a reliable tool at our disposal, saving a lot of money. Why ARRL is still so retrograde, they will loose all new hams generations Accept eQSL to survive! 9Q1TB/F5LTB 9Q1TB
Just heard that morse code is dropped. Have talked to many other amateurs and the ARRL will be boycotted. K3ROJ
E-QSL is the easiest means for QSL'ing. I bet the ARRL will wake up soon and except us here. I gave up trying to use their LogBook of the World--whew. K3ROJ
Attention E-QSL. I will soon be sending you my $35 instead of sending it to the ARRL. I like this site a lot. Nice work (anonymous)
Many amateurs will miss reading QST once the ARRL goes under as most money hungry organizations do. Logbook of the World is impossible for the average person to comprehend. K3ROJ
Come on ARRL... eQSL is probably just as safe as your own program. Make it easier for me to submit my DXCC application by allowing eQSL... K6CU
It's hard for me to believe that the league is still living in the 20th Century! NB2I
The ARRL has turned into magazine publisher, their usefullness to the American ham is nil. eQSL is an excellent way to send and receive QSLs and it costs the ARRL nothing! But since there's no money in it for them why should they care. KB2VYZ
eQSL = 3 Hours waiting. BURO = 2 years what is better? DJ3GZ
2 years waiting for 40 QSL-cards via Buro, direct is expensive so.... CT2ISG
For the vast majority of my 25 years as a ham I have been an ARRL member. Sadly, I will never be a member of the ARRL DX Century Club. eQSL is what I prefer to use. W6ZF
I agree with a statement made above....LOTW is too cumbersome to use. W6ZF
ARRL.....I am really very disappointed. W6ZF
discusting (anonymous)
ivote for eqsl M3HOQ
ivote for eqsl (anonymous)
ifind eqsl more cheaper and easyer (anonymous)
arrl are verry old fashiond ihope we all enbrace eqsls as the future (anonymous)
Wake up and smell the coffee - this is the 21st Century after all, if eQSL is not secure, neither are paper QSLs 2M0BRD
ARRL should try to be inclusive and not exclusive ... not the ham way K1PS
I gave up on LoTW, it doesn't work and no QSL cards. So what's the point of DXCC. ARRL isn't representing the membership well. Why? K5III
eQSL is great. I thought amateur radio was about progress. ARRL, keep up with the times! AH2DS
eQSL is much easier (and just as secure). Gave up on LoTW. No QSLs with LoTW. WC4R
i vote for eqsl (anonymous)
eqsl,s are as good as qsls (anonymous)
eqsl,s are as good as qsls (anonymous)
Thank you eQSL. Best qsl service there is. W8OSP
ARRL - Get with the program. eQSL should be allowed for credit in DXCC. Listen to YOUR MEMBERS. Make this happen, or LOOSE thousand$ of member$. NS5B
I prefer the eQSL website/system and wish the ARRL would accept eQSLs K5JCJ
I don't believe LOTW is any more secure than eQSL and it should be accepted for DXCC awards. AF7W
eQSL saves money and alot of it, ARRL needs to stop their whining KI4UKF
IF the banks use this method; IF commerical enterprises on the international WWW use this method; IF ARRL uses this method in your own online store - what is wrong with the methodoligy used by eQSL? Or do you just want TOTAL control?! N2DUZ
eQSL is much easier (and just as secure). No QSLs with LoTW. W5YDW
The ARRL must have to justify all the wages they pay with our membership money. So they want to use their LOTW only. They should be more concerned about representing the membership, than trying to be The Mother of ALL Organizations. N9VR
What's the problem? The ARRL is supposed to be our voice and listen to our concerns. I like the idea of having the ease of electronic qsling in addition to having a "hard copy" to display. I upload my logger32 adi file and done! KC2TA
Not only is eQSL free for everyone, ARRL charges you to use one of the LOTW entries towards an award. The ARRL is all about wanting money. - an ARRL Member (for now) AI4LY
El furure y only eQSL for electronic qsl card, ARRL's LOTW is quite complicated 37.000 ham radio cannot be erroneus in eQSL the ARRL him interasan but $$$ that the ham radio, I love eQSL the best qsl service of the world, eQSL FOR EVER YV5GRV
The requirements to useQSL are reasonable. Compared to the LOTW with its multiple hurdles. A simple password to upload your log is all that is needed. Thank you eQSL K5KV
Lotw match percentage is too low. 10% match. Told by too many that LOTW process too cumbersome. AD5ZT
I am a long time member of ARRL, Ham for 20 yrs, and involved in HF communications for 40. It's time for the ARRL to step into the 21st century. Personally, I consider an email sent to me as sufficient verification of contact. N0NJY
I'm a member of ARRL, Ham for over 25 years. No different than the cry about no code the dinosaurs need to change and have eQSL accepted just like a mailed card. KB9NK
eQSL is the most user friendly QSL program I've used. LOTW is unwieldy. ARRL please come to the 21st century! KE5FYR
I've had many problems with the ARRL incoming QSL system, but none with eQSL W7NAT
It's all about the money - only thing the ARRL sees is $$$$ K9DEB
It's like many other things.... (e-ssb....) So sad ARRL !!!! HB9HFK
kinda sad i thought the arrl cared KC4MYV
I have been an ARRL member for over 40 years and continue to support ARRL, however I would like to see eQSL honored for DXCC credit. How do you tell hundreds of eQSL users to resend via mail, bureau, or LOTW? Time for a change.. N8BI
A qso is a qso no matter how you confirm, ppl just want more wasted $ and time, ARRL doesnt want to become obsolete. They will if they dont change. KC0CRU
I agree with myself. I signed up with eQSL in15 minutes and it took me 3 weeks to sign up with LOTW! Get with the picture ARRL its rediculous to take 3 weeks in order to enjoy ham radio, Bravo eQSL! KC0CRU
ARRL you know you are wrong, bureaucratic puppets, spending money on bpl and other wastes, etc, eqsl seems a much better choice than LoTW, you guys are really screwing up with alot of members, watchout or there will be no support ! N5VYN
ARRL you know you are wrong, bureaucratic puppets, spending money on bpl and other wastes, etc, eqsl seems a much better choice than LoTW, you guys are really screwing up with alot of members, watchout or there will be no support ! N5VYN
eQSL maybe works too well to be considered! IK2WSJ
It's going on 2008, guys. Get with the times. N3XKB
With the computer age here, I print my own QSL cards. I snail mail and eQSL. Printed out, what's the difference. PLEASE consider acceptance of eQSLs. AK2Z
Grow up and face the 21st century or is it all about $$$$$ G6FOP
If someone wanted to commit fraud,they would find a way no matter what they use to QSL W8AJS
I have been in amateur radio a very long time ... eQSL on of the best things that has happen to the hobby ... but, comparing LOTW to eQSL is dump ... LOTW you "have" to pay to send their QSL cards, just like you do with the ARRL Incoming K5PBR
And especially their "outgoing" service ... Sad the ARRL accepts payments through their "secure site" and even emails from members as being valid ... mercy ... ARRL give eQSL their dues ... They won the battle and found a better way to send K5PBR
And receive QSLs ... besides, I have been waiting for an confirmation from ARRL Incoming Service for almost one year, humm, I guess I will never get it ... 73's K5PBR
As a long time supporter of ARRL and many of its programs, I am very disappointed by the choice of those in control to make things "difficult". I am a long time user of both eQSL AND LOTW. There is NO logical reason that ARRL cannot work K7EK
with eQSL for the benefit of ALL hams. I am two contacts shy of eWAS. Each of those contacts has Authenticity Guaranteed (AG) status. They have been verified. Do you think I could qualify for ARRL's WAS award once I get the last two? K7EK
No! There is NO reason that ARRL and eQSL cannot work together for the good of ALL AMATEURS. Instead, ARRL chooses politics and the personal agenda of a few, at the expense of the entire amateur radio fraternity. I wonder why I continue to K7EK
renew my ARRL membership year after year. That money can be better spent donated to the operation of eQSL. I get tangible returns from them, instead of politics. When renewal of my ARRL membership comes around next time, I will have to K7EK
think long and hard if that is really something I want to do. WAKE UP, ARRL! Please work for the benefit of ALL AMATEURS instead of the chosen few! K7EK
Eqsl is the ideal way of exchanging QSL cards. With EQSL the card can be stored and printed at the convenience of the receipient. In comparison I find LoTW extremely archaic and cumbersome. K0CW
There is NO reason why the ARRL & E-QSL can not work together. After all, this is a hobby not a business.. Come on ARRL get with it. Hope to see eQSL at Dayton this year along side the ARRL booth. K8BBE
There is NO reason why the ARRL & E-QSL can not work together. After all, this is a hobby not a business.. Come on ARRL get with it. Hope to see eQSL at Dayton this year along side the ARRL booth. K8BBE
I find it difficult to believe that THE ARRL would make it so difficult for EQSL'S to be excepted by them. It would only make it easier for Amatuer's to enjoy the logging process and maybe create more AMATUERS FOR OUR BANDS.... N1USB
e-QSL is a threat to the DXCC and WAS certificate cash cow. Domestic applicants for DXCC, WAS, et al. are denied unless the applicant is a ARRL member. ARRL is after your dollars - they are not protecting your privacy or securi WA7CS
ARRL's electronic/digital signiture requirement is a lame excuse for refusing to recognize EQSL's user friendly comfirmation service. I think it's rotten of ARRL to place such a burden on a free service. KD4IEJ
ARRL should definately accept e-QSL for credit. I see no diffwerence in security between it and LBOW. A cheater will always find a way. LBOW is a joke; it's difficult to use. I'll never use it again. K6INM
W1GLO is an affiliate Club of ARRL and we feel that eQSL's with Authenticity Verification is a secure and reasonable system for ARRL awards verification - please consider moving your requirements to a 21st Century reality. W1GLO
I have been a licensed amateur for almost 50 years and am also a life member of ARRL - you need to reconsider eQSL as a legitimate method of verifying Amateur Radio QSO's - eQSL witrh Authenticity Guarantee is a superior system. W4RIG
I am an ARRL member and retired (recently) Signal Corps officer. The comment that we need mil spec security for QSL cards is ridiculous! It is a HOBBY! LOTW is a clumsey system. They should accept simple Exel files to import and eQSL's. WA2KBZ
I left the ARRL many years ago due to their inability to follow their own rules. I am glad I did! The ARRL can cater to the ANNOYING contesters who think they own the bands just for a stupid certificate. I know who I worked, that is enough. NA7CS
It is tobad the you hve decided not to acept eQSL cards. I use Ham Radio Deluxe and ir sends my contacts to eQSL automatically when I select the add button. much easier than Lotw. Let modernize! N7EDN
Once again I'm here wondering why such an outstanding org. can be so antiquated. I have been a Ham for over 35 years and think my radio hobby is the the best. Work contests, help in an emergency. You are stifling the hobby. accept E-QSL NC4MI
LOTW is very cumbersome to use. I have been a member since I have been a Ham. I like the ever expanding technolgy in the hobby. It hamper only by shallow thinking. The ARRL should try to keep up with ever changing hobby. NC4MI
As amateur operaters we should have a vote as to whether the ARRL allows eqsls or not. After all, if it wasn't for us you wouldn't even exist! I say get off your high horse and allow these cards. KT4RH
As amateur operaters we should have a vote as to whether the ARRL allows eqsls or not. After all, if it wasn't for us you wouldn't even exist! I say get off your high horse and allow these cards. KT4RH
Get off the dime and get with the program. K2DS
Get off the dime and get with the program. If I were not a life member I would have to give some thought as to I really want to be associated with such a backward thinking, distrusting and antiquated organization. K2DS
If it weren’t for your members you wouldn’t have a job. Do it our way or take the highway!!! K2DS
One more reason I suspect the ARRL will be history in a couple of years. Stubborn old farts, aren't they? KG4PEQ
In regards to KT4RH's comments, when's the last time the ARRL listened to anything the ham radio community had to say? They have their heads too far up their rear ends. KG4PEQ
ARRL: WAKE UP! eQSL is much better than LoTW, hands down. Get with the program. NN2RL
ARRL has a vested interest in not accepting eQSL contacts - nothing to do with security, I've been an ARRL member for years, but do not agree with them in this matter at all. eQSL is MUCH more secure than paper QSL cards - those are EASY K9FV
I vote for eQSL VE3YXO
Get Real! eQSL cards are more secure than the cards sent through the mail. Why can't we live side by side for the betterment of Amateur Radio? N4BUA
Get Real! eQSL cards are more secure than the cards sent through the mail. Why can't we live side by side for the betterment of Amateur Radio? N4BUA
Accept eQSL The Reason ARRL won't accept is because they are not making any money. KC9LCS
eQSL's are valid because the people that send them are great "valid" people! NA4RS
eQSL's are valid because the people that send them are great "valid" people! NA4RS
eQSL is the most convenient and the cheapest route. IRCs are now $2.10 and are increasingly harder to get. KG9E
The fact is that there is no incentive for ARRL to recogonize eQSL simply becasue there is no fanancial benefit to the ARRL. I am an ARRL member and i say again get with the program guys. See the benefits to us hams you are looking out for? N2QQF
I am a ARRL Member in Good standings. With cost of fuel going up shouldn't we all do our part and by hams using electronic QSL's were using less natural resources and lessing our carbon foot print ARRL GET with it and work w/ eQSL N3SIQ
I'm an ARRL member and would deeply love that the ARRL links directly to eQSL as a source for QSO confirmation. 73, Sylvain VE2FET VE2FET
Please reconsider your acceptance of EQSL cards. K5MRM
As radios progress in technology it is also time for the ARRL to progress. If change does not occur then the old way will die off. EQSL is also more environmentally friendly. VE3CRF
ARRL must evolve or die N2KH
Yes, disappointed. But looking at the eQSL membership, ARRL is not so relevant. WC5C
EQSL is OK! in My BOOK! ARRL WAKE UP ITS 2008Almost 2009 WAKE UP!!!!!!!!! ARRL WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KB9UMI
i am a LoTW user and like it very much..I use eQSL as a curtousy to the other hams I have a QSO with who may not use LoTW or can't afford postage. ARRL should accept eQSL cards for credit. KC0REY
I`ve been back into ham radio since 2003 after a long time away and have been a member since that time. I seems that the only thing the ARRL is interested in is how much money they can make off of everybody. KI4EME
Wake up ARRL and smell the roses things are different than they use to be EQSL`s are the only way to go inthis modern times. KI4EME
It is hard for me to understand why the ARRL won’t accept the QSL cards from E QSL as authentic for its award purposes’. AD7SI
ARRL is only one of many Ham Radio clubs. It is too big to care and is like our government.... out of touch. W7ARF
No veo cual es el problema para no permitir este sistema casi catalogandolo como inseguro. Modernicemonos y talvez podamos atraer a más gente para este moribundo hermoso hobby. CE3DNP
The answer is very simple, They (ARRL) are not running eQSL AB6Z
Come on ARRL, turn the page!!! KN8M
I am a ARRL Life Member but totally disagree with with their stupidity in this matter. They have made LOTW more secure than a paper QSL via the mail. Real brain power working there. WA0KDS
ARRL, you are SK to me! Poor old sobs, just couldn't keep up. Forget about DXCC KB8OCP
I think a simple vote (by round of applause) could be arranged in the Hara Arena, KB8OCP
I think you would find a quorum of your members (10,000+). KB8OCP
You had better hurry, before you find your quorum in the last bus outta town. Thanks again for not listening. KB8OCP
Your donkey cart just got passed by a Maserati with a vanity plate that reads "future is here" thanks for(not) moving over. KB8OCP
The "Old man" would be so proud! he would probably crowned you with the woff-hong. KB8OCP
As an ARRL member for over 47 years I think that if the call area number blunder was agreed to with FCC why not e qsl'n? WX2F
eQSL are quick and very like the real QSL's. I hope ARRL could accept them soon. This is the Future! tnx IT9-4639
I'm an 'ARRL' member... To the ARRL I say: 'Get out of the dark ages folks! Smell the coffee!!' You've emraced online ordering, why not this???? To quote KB9UMI, ITS ALMOST!!! 2009 WAKE UP!!!! ARRL WAKE UP!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!! Thank you. N7GTB
come on now KC8YSG
The "CQ-Magazine" opened a Door for accept eQSL for WAC, WPX and other awards. Please cooperation with N5UPs eQSL-system and LoTW-system for DXCC-Award! DM2FDO
ARRL should accept eQSL/ WB1ABQ
ARRL should accept eQSL/AG as it is the best QSL method yet ... WB1ABQ
Please accept EQSL . WA4AXT
Why is it I can spend hundreds of dollars on the ARRL sight with nothing more than a user name and password but you can't accept e-Qsl with the same level of security or even better. K4UOL
it is a shame for all parties involved KA2VHY
get with it KA2VHY
Please cooperation with eQSL-system and LoTW-system for DXCC-Award! IZ8FTW
After a 7-year hiatus with ham radio, I recently got back into things, set up a station, and re-joined the ARRL. I have been enjoying eQSL and think it is a reliable, costly, and enviromentally friendly way to exchange QSL cards. AD4XJ
I am deeply saddened that my league (the ARRL) is not accepting this excellent new way of doing things. The LotW system is complicated and nowhere near as effective as eQSL. Due to the ARRLs shortsightedness and unwillingness to work with AD4XJ
the folks at eQSL in good faith, I will not be renewing my membership with them. AD4XJ
I sincerely hope that they (the ARRL) will seriously reconsider their stance on this matter. AD4XJ
It's obvious to us that the ARRL has been more interested in maintaining the quantity of their ranks at the expense of quality. (anonymous)
Why did the ARRL oppose a service that is trying to move QSL's into the 21st century. Follow the money and you will have your answer. (anonymous)
I' m using LoTW and eQSL.I' m very satisfied for this 2 Service.Now CQ Magazine accept eQSL for CQ Award and I Obtained the WAC with eQSL.Is a Good idea if ARRL accepted QSL from eQSL.A very good Idea for ALL Ham Radio Comunity. IW1QN
well, my membership with ARRL is going to be ending when renewal time comes KJ4CCR
I tried LoTW and never could get confirmations nor proper entries. Let EQSL count. I'm a LONG TIME member and active ARRL volunteer. C'mon League! W0RDR
I do not believe many dx stations will go through the paperwork required by the ARRL to get authorized to use LoTW (see non-usa requirements). You can literally die waiting for a card via the buro. It's DXCC, it's not rocket science. WB9GKM
I sincerely hope that they (the ARRL) will seriously reconsider their stance on this matter. VE4ME/W4
I strongly hope that ARRL will reconsider their stance on this matter. The present situation is really a pity and it is basically against the HAM needs! IZ0INX
CQ-Magazine will accept eQSL for WAC, WPX and other awards. Please except N5UPs eQSL-system and LoTW-system for DXCC-Award! KI4ZFI
The ARRL is a bunch of self indulgent morons who can only see this their way or if it makes them $$$. I’m glad I got a Life Membership over 25 years ago. They are loosing $$ on me!! K2DS
I can NOT get ARRL's "Log of the World" to work, eqsl works great--sorry they will not accept this service! AL7HG
I think that EQSL is a modern way to reduce the time for the AWARD, together with LOTW. They can live together! IK1MDF
as a member of the ARRL i say that they should accept any electronic methods of QSLing including eQSL on of the best methods VK4TJF
i am disappointed that they are not going to accept eQSLs for CQ accept!!! IK0HFO
At first I wondered about the integrity of eQSL's. I have intentionally sent wrong data on one and was glad to see it rejected. eQSL's are secure and should be accepted as proper proof of a valid contact. N3GGT
Get with the times. If the sender and the reciever match they are confirmed. A lot of us are out of work and postage is expensive. I will try LOTW but from e-mail postings alot of folks have problems using it. why not accept an alternative. KB7ABJ
need to accept as some of us do things through the computer and this make it alot easier for all KD7MEK
If I print out a PDF QSL card, this should be just as good as one sen in the mail! W1IG
As an ARRK member it really annoys me that you obviously want to be the only game in town. Maybe there is a reason why so many hams will not join!! KC8RP
It would be cool if not only LOTW is accepted for DXCC OE1MOU
ARRL should not ignore all the veryfied Licenses any longer ! DL9KSM
ARRL Your trusted cert is broken..never have a e-qsl! This really is not in the best interest of ham radio..wake up, we are watching. KB8OCP
I will not use LOTW until ARRL accepts eQSLs K6INM
ARRL, you don't have a monopoly on security. I use LoTW, but there's NO reason not to accept eQSLs. If you are truly interested in boosting membership, this is one way to make that happen!!! KF9AF
Well, from now on, I'm only using The only DXCC that means anything to me is the one issued by QRP-ARCI. In fact, I'm not even a member of the bureau, nor the NRRL (norwegian league) anymore. LA2MOA
I had to send a copy of my license to prove who i a just to get AG. Didn't have to do that for ARRL. When my computer crashed, I had to redo the LOTW certificate. Didnt have to do that for EQSL. I vote EQSL. Easier. Costs Less. KJ4DGU
I wasn't against eQSLs but now I'm all for it now that CQ accepts eQSLs. Fast, reliable and easy!!! ON6KE
ARRL, wake up.. enough with the exclusionist dogma. AK7AR
eqsl AG MUST be accepted !!!Why not? (anonymous)
It is very unfortunate that the ARRL is not willing to accept eQSLs. They are much faster than normal QSL cards and at the rate I am receiving confirmation of my QSOs, I don't think I will live long enough to get a DXCC. W8VKO
Yet another reason not to join ARRL. This is right up there with incentive licensing. WB2YAF
ARRL wake up and get with the 21st century. Member since 1976 WA6PWP
Wake up to reality , Welcome to 21st centur. PU4WAR is business and the money is the first thing in the world IZ4REF
It is obvious that paper cards are easier to falsify than e-qsls, so maybe there is an agenda, trying to force everyone to use LOTW...wake up and start acting in the best interest of your paying members. KE5AKG
ARRL LIfe member, not accepting eQSL is a big mistake, suggest reconsideration. Owen K3CB
ARRL LIfe member, not accepting eQSL is a big mistake, suggest reconsideration. Owen K3CB
The sun will still rise tomorrow if someone cheats on their DXCC The extra security is hurting the DXCC program. The inventor of ClubLog notes that LOTW is difficult. Notice how many hams on their page will not use LOTW. K5KV
Wake up and LISTEN to your PAYING members, ARRL! At least, put it to a vote of the membership. I seriously doubt that accepting eQSL's is in any way going to affect the integrity of your awards. K8SI
Get up to date ARRL - What makes paper QSL's more secure, I can print anything on my printer. Can't do that through eQSL... G4GVB
i like to be green myself and eqsl is very green saves on papper and is trustworthy as well i wish more pepole would use it and as we live ijn a age of computers and saving the workld this just helps as well most defo the best ever M6DER
Please accept EQSL . K9RJZ
As a LIFE Member and licensed for 38 years I see no problem with accepting the e-qsl cards. "real one can be faked also" keep up with progress W9HBH
In these times of tight money at lot can be saved using e-qsl's for those of limited income. Also so it is much more easy and faster to do it via the internet then the bureaus (months\ years, direct mailing weeks) Also easier than LoTW W9HBH
LoTW is Ugly replica of UT2UU
With color printers at $49.00 at Best Buy, if someone wanted to print up a bunch of bogus QSL's just to get an award, is would be easy as ever. Elecontronic QSL's are much more secure then paper, and also better for the enviroment. KE7WRJ
Get with the program ARRL, Sticks in the mud get left behind. KC5GTS
I use both LoTW and eQsl and think that the ARRL should except both as validation of a QSO. N0EOP
wake up arrl...eqsl is the way to go (anonymous)
Please ARRL reconsider your position against accepting eQSL for DXCC, Amatuer radio was founded by individauls thinking and experimenting "outside the box", your reluctance to accept a new technology goes against the roots of our hobby! VE1GCG
I recall the king who tried to stop the ocean tide coming in was not too successful. ARRL, if you dont lead, you will be overtaken. (anonymous)
The ARRL should accept eQLSs, It/s a real and serious idea IZ8OGR
eQSL is the best way to go. Simple and sweet. LoTW sucks! KC9KJJ
Reconsider linking eQSL WB5SGN
LOTW is just to hard to use. So hard that it just is not worth the trouble. EQSL is better, faster, easier and just plain more fun. Who cares anyway? EQSL is better. AJ4CD
non sono iscritto al lotw come swl I0251/RM
I`ve been a member of ARRL ever since I got back into Ham Radio in 2004 and LOTW never worked right for me. I support EQSL 100% and it`s a shame ARRL doesn`t accept them. KI4EME
ARRL should wake up and smell the roses, eQSL (AG) is far more secure than mailed qsl cards. W6DAW
I've been an ARRL member since 1954, ARRL should accept AG eQSLs. Their system is no more secure or reliable than using AG eQSLs. I've been a Diamond Club member for years. Shudda given my money to eQSL. ~Larry W7IN W7IN
I've been an ARRL member since 1954, ARRL should accept AG eQSLs. Their system is no more secure or reliable than using AG eQSLs. I've been a Diamond Club member for years. Shudda given my money to eQSL. ~Larry W7IN W7IN
Why you accept electronic log, it is easier of course, then where is problem with eqsl? (anonymous)
So you look on the DX Summit, find the DX station you need, go to your computer and make a card and print it out. Very easy to do if you want DXCC that bad...This is a HOBBY...Put it to a vote of the membership!!!! N3FSC
get with the new times K5BUD
eQSL is a better choice for my qsls its simple cheap and does not cost a thousand dollars for a membership! If ARRL does not clean up its digital act it will find itself on the qsl backburner in a few years. Fix it ARRL or you will lose me. KE7ZGQ
According to FCC Regulation it is against the law for me to communicate Amatuer radio traffic that is encrypted. I consider my Log to be Amatuer radio communication! Therefor I should be Jailed along With the 2nd party If I do so! KE7ZGQ
You have all displayed hundreds of good reason, - but seem to forget that ARRL by many probably could be seen as a monopolistic Money Machine, fighting for its monopoly and worried by eQSLs advancing. Tks to eQSL. (anonymous)
I think Dave's comment of LOTW being "Military Style Security" is fairly accurate. I thought it was a nightmare to get setup, and I consider myself very computer literate! The ARRL needs something a bit easier to use and I don't see any K7KB
real reason why eQSL's cannot be accepted for DXCC purposes. K7KB
Thats why i did not join them , change with the time or lose KB1NZQ
I was going to use LOTW but it's turning into a major PITA just to get signed up much less to enter a log. I'm finding eQSL to be much simpler & FUN. What's the difference between a card printed & mailed & a card emailed & printed? KF4CZV
I think ARRL should get in on the 21st century. VE6AGE
As usual the ARRL is for he ARRL, and no, one else.... including u and me... ZING !!! W0IW
a wonderful world? arrl who accepts eqsl and eqsl who accepts lotw IW5ELL
We all know the ARRL is stuck in the Spark Gap era, Their LOTW is a pain in the butt to set up if you reside outside of USA. So if they fail to recgonize a certified EQSL for their awards then they can keep them. VE3FMC
time to embrace modern technology WB2CAK
Do the right thing ARRL!! Continue your great tradition of helping hams! KA2CDT
I am a ARRL Life Member and I think the League's position on eQSLs is non-sensical K3HR
ARRL member here. I am veery disappointed eQSLs will not be accepted towards ARRL awards. This will only cause less people to seek ARRL awards; whereas accepting eQSLs would cause more people to seek ARRL awards. Trust! K9AIM
I am not an ARRL member. I have joined three times and have not been happy with many of the league's policies. WA4III
eQSL's are more secure than printed ones - I could print enough for a DXCC in a day with my printer - Get upto date ARRL G4GVB
As a long time ARRL member i am disapointed that they will not except eQSLs as proof of contact.They have to catch up to the times. If i can trust to pay my bills online they should be able to trust the security of electronic qsling... WB9TNF
Shame on ARRL. Their over riding desire to maintain "control" is hurting those of us who have chosen a secure method of exchanging QSL's. Just another reason for me to not support ARRL W6LEN
eQSL is the fastest way to confirm contact. LoTW is good, but lacks features and support. With a few changes I believe eQSL should count for DXCC and WAS, as it is a better solution for DX stations. KJ4YKO
ARRL wake up you elitist snobs. Noone can afford the outlandish postage you charge in hopes of even getting a card back at all. Wake up ARRL!!! N8KIP
I think the ARRL system is strange as my IP address should be sufficient without needing a key.Eqsl is the best. N9GUE
Very dissappointing !! VE3GQR
I am not an ARRL member due to the elitest attitudes of the people they have in leadership roles. They are for whats best for ARRl and not the common ham who is on a budget. I wil proudly display any award I get from eQSL! W8DCB
As evidenced by the large number of Amateurs who use eQSl and not LOTW, it should be painfully obvious to you that not everyone is willing to use LOTW. I urge you to reconsider your position and accept eQSL as an alternative. AE8U
The non-EQSL policy by ARRL is equivalent to treating its members as if they are criminals. No trust or confidence. That's why I resigned from ARRL. AA4BQ
I use LOTW, and eQSL...eQSL is by far the easier to navigate and thus, gets me the highest numbers of contact confirmations N4TRU
I am tired if sending cards and postage or greenbacks and getting nothing in return. I created a LOTW account but eQSL is much easier to create contacts with and foreign return rate is excellent. Please reconsider your policy not to allow . W1ANG
well if someone cheats they are only cheating themselves,besides that arrl requires u to be a member to get the dxcc ansd foreign countries are free just seems all abt the money to me just let people pay for awards to heck with having to jo KJ4JC
I tired for cost postage and contribution. Very expensive. ARRL must change FG4NO
I am not a fan of ARRL,but I had the chance to see software reproducing any qsl from around the world.At this point I have no more comments.It is not just competition.Maybe they will work together to fix this real issue. AB2DP
I am not a fan of ARRL,but I had the chance to see software reproducing any qsl from around the world.At this point I have no more comments.It is not just competition.Maybe they will work together to fix this real issue. AB2DP
la4qra LA4QRA
ARRL please rethink your decision, as eQSL is an excellent, quick, and inexpensive way to confirm our QSOs. WB8YXF
ARRL needs to remember the many years of why,...for whom,..reasons of the beginning of the ARRL and remember the what the meaning of"open to all amatuers" was meant to be. "in all area,s of amatuer radio. Be it QSL card or eQSL. AA1QT
eQSL is far more trustworthy than paper QSL cards. How hard is it to forge a postcard? Please accept eQSLs. NF8I
I think is is a great thing i am on a fixed income and can't afford to mail all my qsls If one or the other hams dosen't reconize the qsl he acn reject it same as recieving one in the mail from an unknown pearson WA1JHV
You must understand. ARRL is all about money to supply the services they offer. It's worse than a Baptist preacher on KU8Q
Instead of rejecting EQSL, ARRL can suggest a secure method so it can be accepted ? If people want to cheat, they will regardless. A lower cost QSL service frees up more money to pay for the expedition cards or for donations to services. (anonymous)
Who can tell QSLs printed with MY printer from those printed with SENDER's printer ? JH2DBQ
lotw sucks. N4MCY
ARRL menber-- eQSLs are as valid as LOTW entries. Cheaters cheat, but we ought not to manage based upon the LOWEST common denominator. Work something out with eQSL, it's the grown up thing to do K7WHB
You ARE aware that the ARRL CHARGES $$$$$ PER QSL for its LOTW program, right? CASE CLOSED! While I am a life member of the League, c'mon, guys (and gals), it's RIDICULOUS! NK2W
Another disappointed Ham, please reconsider, help our hobby GW0VLN
I'm verry disappointed that the ARRL does not accept eQSLs for awards. KI4SYE
The eQSL system is easy to use and the data base is secure. G6DCT
If ARRL are not happy with the printed QSL card than just print out the page showing all the matching credits and use that. No one can change the eQSLcc database. G6DCT
I use both LOTW and eQSLcc , I use MixW program for logging and digital mode which automatical can send a eQSL. I transfer my eQSL database to LoTW and get a completely different set of credits. G6DCT
If both LoTW and eQSL shared their databases then we would get the best of both worlds. G6DCT
eQSL, CQ magazine, ISWL and many others accept eQSLcc. LoTW is only used by ARRL for DXCC but eDX100 and many other similar awards are just as good. We are radio hams and just want to stick a cert. on the wall to show our acheivement. G6DCT
eQSL, CQ magazine, ISWL and many others accept eQSLcc. LoTW is only used by ARRL for DXCC but eDX100 and many other similar awards are just as good. We are radio hams and just want to stick a cert. on the wall to show our acheivement. G6DCT
If both LoTW and eQSL shared their databases then we would get the best of both worlds. G6DCT
We have funny new and low standards of getting a ham licence,NO MORSE,so what problem for ARRL is to accept eQSL cards?? SP9HZX
If there is one good reason not to include EQSL AG log entries; What the hecj is it?? KD8JMQ
It's not that hard guys, Don't consideer eQSL's so much as competition as just another way of proving contact. Life is difficult enough without this kind of petty mistrust of data. W8THY
This is going to happen with or without the ARRL. We's prefer your support. eQSL is secure enough. It's a HOBBY for heaven's sake!!! W7JET
It's now 2012 and the age of electronic communications. Move with the times ARRL and stop living in a bygone era. 3B8CW
The explanation from the ARRL is insufficient. There really is no reason why e-QSL should not be valid with regards to all Awards (anonymous)
Im a ARRL Member and this is disappointing... i will continue to support eqsl. and use it.. W4HUF
I see no reason why eQSL's would not count toward. Awards. I hope the ARRL reconsiders. KK4DHD
It is so easy to print any QSL card, I could have a DXCC in a week without switching the rig on. Not so easy with eQSL. Come on guys wake up. G4GVB
In the tradition of Ham radio and bringing new technologies of the hobby to operators, including eQSL seems to be in line with tradition. Let's advance our hobby with this widely used service. KD0JUC
In todays times it is very easy to print out a card with any information on it. I dont find eqsl to be any less secure than mailed qsls. Just give those with limited funds a way to send and receive qsls without the expense of stamps. KK4JOW
I see no reason why eQSL's would not count toward. Awards. I hope the ARRL reconsiders. IK5YZV
It boggles my mind that the ARRL will not accept eQSL's. The ARRL does both itself and us a huge disservice by not embracing the technology that eQSL provides. KK4DNA
I used to be an ARRL member, however, I will not join their organization again until they accept eQsl in their awards program. This is the digital world folks, c'mon. N4HFA
As a new Ham of 5 months, I find LOTW much to cumbersome to use. With eQSL I get a card. ARRL will bury itself if it does not come onboard with acceptance of eQSLs. Compare the # of users. AR EE K2DEP
The ARRL has a horrible record of backign lost causes: CW requirements, Incentive Licensing, and LOTW over eQSL. N0YBC
As evidenced by the large number of Amateurs who use eQSl and not LOTW, it should be painfully obvious to you that not everyone is willing to use LOTW. I urge you to reconsider your position and accept eQSL as an alternative. KB9GSY
As long as eqsl is not honored by ARRL, I will not use LOTW, ever! N4BUA
I changed its call sign with RZ6HGG and registered on the site of a new Callsign R7HG on the site, but because of some problems with the site I don't get confirmations of the new Callsign. RZ6HGG
I can print a card from anyone I choose to invent and ARRL accepts that as 'proof". Yet a reasonably secure process like eQSL is invalid? Sounds like someone feels threatened. KB1WMU
No entiendo la no aceptacion de Eqsl ya que no es competencia con LOTW EA6BH
I spent a lot of money via normal mail to get QSLs, but I obtained only a little part of confirmations compared to my requests. eQSLs are much onest!!!! IK3CXG
Hello ARRL how about accepting Eqsl cards or do you think a hard-copy postcard is actually SECURE? W1XWX
ARRL -- Please tell us what to do to have ARRL accept an eQSL. It seems to me some there must be some accommodation to be made. I use LOTW as well, but have many QSL's via eQSL that I DO NOT get on LOTW. Thanks.. K1VLB
What the Hell, ARRL? I have CONFIRMED contacts thru LOTW, and thru But some use one, and some the other, I can't get awards because of this!! Get with the program!!!!! W5LMM
I use both Eqsl and LOTW both are certified by some means I had to send eqsl a copy of my license and ARRL certified me either via FCC records or my membership records . Here lately LOTW is down more than it is up . Eqsl is not !!!! KR4IP
MY postal zipcode had changed since my last renewal inorder for Eqsl to certify my cards I had to get zipcode changed on my license and in the FCC data base to match my mailing address to match my mailin address does ARRL do that ??? KR4IP
Reconsider linking eQSL F5TJZ
Using all ways to confirm a QSO. LotW, eQSL, Paper and the german DCL. LotW and DCL work together, why not LotW and eQSL. Don´t understand the ARRL position .... :-( DF5WW
eQSL and LoTW are the best tools for hamradio operators, is better to work together. EA2TA
Am very disappointed in your refuseal to honor E-QSLs in this day and age of high speed communications. Eqsl has the same secureity get with the program guys maybe canceling my subscription might be the answer. AE2DX
eQSL is the future. 5 to ten 10 bucks a QSL is unreal. Please take another look at eQSL. K8NS
I wonder if the reason eQSL is looked down upon by the ARRL is because of the ad revenue they are getting from the QSL card makers? That explains their stance better than the fraud claim that they are holding fast to. VE6EFR
ARRL non-acceptance of eQSL contact confirmation is unrealistic, unwarranted,and a paternalisitc view of a process that is basic to the trust and honesty implicit in our hobby. WA6MRK
I'm compiling all QSLs now for DXCC and glad I checked ARRL's rejection of eQSLs. So, I will proceed to assemble my album with MAIL, and eQSLs (running about 50/50) and design a DXCC-like certificate-Nuff said. W3PDR-KB3PDR KB3PDR
It's really frustrating, especially with digital mode, almost all do eQSL, very few do paper or LoTW. I've made the contacts, and have proof, why can't I get credit?! KI4ABS
ARRL egocentric, but far from the in-crowd. Impeding the hobby. W4JDY
eQSL is here to stay . Why won't you people , that we , the members of the ARRL , pay your generous salary for , follow our wishes and make it easier for everyone around the world ? It will benefit those of us on a fixed income too . W5COV
AG eQSL's should definatly be accepted for ARRL Awards, AG makes it as certain a possible that the QSO is genuine. Is it t a "Not invented here attitude" or is there a real reason for this stance by ARRL. G6DZH
Come on guys, get real. A proven contact is indeed a proven contact. eQSL (AG) should be more than enough. M0TNG
Waste of time folks. The ARRL is nothing but a boys club for selfish little boys (anonymous)
I am a member of ARRL and have tried to use LOTW for 3 years now without success. It is needlessly complicated. EQSL is a pleasure to use. Why won't ARRL accept EQSL? This is a dis-service to your members. KB8PIH
For a small station like mine in a residential environment, getting QSL confirmations to chase some paper is hard enough. Please consider multiple forms of QSL confirmations. I am an ARRL member. (anonymous)
As a proud member of the ARRL, it saddens me to know eQSL's aren't accepted. It's 2013. It's time to also accept the digital form of QSL confirmation in our hobby! Postal Mail and the bureau isn't reasonable for some Hams. 73. W4QXL
As a member of ARRL and an information security professional in the banking sector, I can only conclude that the decision to exclude eQSLs is turf protection. The security argument presented is bogus. KG7AV
mam problem z wyslaniem karty qsl SQ2RSG
Dear ARRL, Either you accept eQSL or pse let us know how to digitally authenticate an electronic image (QSL) with your certificate. It's very sad be confirmed only with a LotW by a Kiribati stn. whose QSO could be the top of my OM lifetime IK8EPB
As a LOTW and eQSL member I am very disappointed in the ARRL decision to ignore eQSL. Operating awards are more about card collection from willing respondents than true operating. KC4ZA
Eqsl its the best way to confirm any Qso,think about that HK3ZD
I am a member of ARRL and use both LOTW and eQSL and I am very I am disappointed that the league will not accept eQSLs. It's time to change your thinking. KD2BMX
EQSL matching with present times to confirm all QSO quick and cheap that s the only way i m using saving my money and my time why ARRL not recognizing EQSL ? now we would like that evolution F4FTS
eQSL and LoTW should count towards the ARRL Awards. I enjoy and look forward to receiving cards via eQSL and enjoy chasing DX and the Certificates. More should become AG as well which helps us all get the credits towards Certificates 73s To M3OVA
AS an ARRL member, I feel that my online bank is easier than Logbook o the World. 99% of hams wont cheat, on awards. These are not competitive contests. If a few cheat, so be it, most are proud of honesty. KM7Q
So let eQSL be part of your data collection, its a win win for the ARRL and eQSL, no one loses but the 1% that might cheat. KM7Q
As an overseas member of ARRL and a licence holder for over 50 years I really don't understand the attitude of the ARRL. In my amateur life I have operated from a number of rare DX locations. eQSL and LOTW are such a boon to the DX operator G3VIR
Progressive? Not the ARRL, which is why I am not a member. My impression is the League's main reason to refuse eQSL is because it is outside their umbrella. NV2K
I'm verry disappointed that the ARRL does not accept eQSLs for awards. OE8LCK
Dan ustedes pena, parecen viejos dinosaurios que no quieren cambiar, espero que las nuvas generaciones de radioaficionados mas adeptos a las nuevas tecnologias, sepan aceptarlo, continuen ustedes en su urna de cristal para que no envejezcan EA3EM
Not being a member of a bureau, eQsl is simple and fast. MM0DVB
I don't understand the problem, but here's a clue MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KI4YZN
Not sure of the issue. eQSL cards are verified and in my view more 'trustworthy' than mailed ones (or fake mailed ones). Considering it can take months or even years to get one in the mail,.. AD2WB
IRC are no longer available in USA so options are now limited vs e-QSLs. W5CMS
I don't think ARRL read this, they don't care XE1EE
I'm a member of ARRL also. This issue can be solved easily. ARRL let the membership vote on accepting eQSL. (anonymous)
I have been an ARRL Member for a while. And the LOTW system is still goofy. I worked 20 contacts today and only 4 even qsl on LOTW. Why bother with DXCC if the other end wont confirm. I am going to use e-QSL as my primary. KI4EEE
The idea that you would be corced to pay $39 a year for membership and $15 for a printed award certificate is ludicrous. My eWAS certificates mean just as much as anything mailed crom the ARRL. KK5AA
What? Why not accept this excellent system? VA3MVW
What a pity the ARRL cannot enter into the spirit of low cost QSLing. EQSL is the Present and the FUTURE, so get with it! GM6BRU
Please ARRL, give e-qsl cards a chance!!!! EA1IIP
Your decision to not recognize eQSLs runs counter to the ham spirit you claim to represent. (anonymous)
Listen to your members, ARRL! This is how organizations die when they fail to represent their membership. WI4J
iz1uqg IZ1UQG
i dont wait for papers qsl 7years anymore e-qsl takes 2min SM7NBO
Lookes at rejoining the ARRL to get my DXCC Cert. Hmmm, $39+$15 for printed Cert is too much to pay, I'll print out my eQSL eDXCC and use the saved money for another antenna. WN7VKI
I changed my call in 2013, and can't use lotw now (ALMOST 2 YRS NOW) NQ2D
it's all about money! do they give anything out for free? no not even information,they want NQ2D
free help, but just try to get a dxcc list without paying, or any training....they just want your money... NQ2D
...but I could make my own 100 'fake' paper QSL cards and get DXCC?(!) VK2GOM
You are alienating tens if not hundreds of thousands of hams world wide.Such a pity. G8GRS
Yes my choice will be eqsl to bad the ARRL will be left in the past. W9RTF
I use both eQSL and LOTW. Unfortunately, many people don't use LOTW but use eQSL instead; so I have a fairly low rate of confirmation for ARRL awards. Regardless whether LOTW is ore secure than eQLS, the point is that paper cards K4XML
are certainly not more secure. So ARRL should either stop allowing paper cards for awards, or start using eQSL. K4XML
Unless of course there is some reason other than integrity of contacts that is driving the ARRL to not accept eQSL contacts. K4XML
So sorry to hear this about ARRL stubborness. eQSL is my preferred choice. N2VIG
eQSL is user friendly, LOWT, not so much. There is no reason other than money that ARRL shouldn’t accept eQSL’s. Possibly we should spend more time enjoying the hobby, building, and experimenting. There is a lot more to it than just chasing WB7RCL
paper. I know who I contacted and don’t really need a certificate to prove it. Not meant to offend anyone. If that is you thing, enjoy. WB7RCL
This is one gigantic step up in modern technology that ARRL has to recognize. I'm 100% supporting eQSL exchanging. KC2EMM
lotw is an old joke. We need cooperation to grow the hobby! KK4RDI
This is nuts! I have worked for a yera to get all the cards for was then I find out they will not take them? Why? My boa account is the same as E qsl to go online to get into my account They are nuts! David... N6OVP
The eQSL system not only provides QSL cards but it checks and matches them electronically.If ARRL would not accept the printed cards surely they would accept them with a copy of the eQSL standing showing the date time mode and call signs. GQ6DCT
The ARRL LotW system is complicated but works, the eQSL system also works. GQ6DCT
But systems plus conversation QSL together would be ideal. You add up what credits you have from all the systems, simple. ARRL system is not fully secure - A ham in UK emails is mate in australia who he cannot work via.HF both log on Lotw. GQ6DCT
Please ARRL reconsider your position against accepting eQSL for DXCC, Amatuer radio was founded by individauls thinking and experimenting "outside the box", your reluctance to accept a new technology goes against the roots of our hobby! EA7DZ
LOTW is just too convoluted and frustrating to set up and use. I refuse to use it. If the ARRL won't step up to the plate and remove the Hassle Factor from LOTW, they should at least have the decency and integrity to accept eQSLs. WA4FOM
Please link to eQSL, cost effective, more enviromentally friendly MM0HVU
We all understand that the DXCC program is an ARRL unique program. You guys still charge to get the certificate printed and mailed for the original award, as well as any endorsements. By accepting legitimate EQSLs you allow many hams KP4WU
complete their requirements which means more revenue for the ARRL to continue to operate for many more years to come. Accept EQSLs please. KP4WU
Time for lotw and eqsl to work together promoting the future of ham radio N7ARZ
Pls ARRL accept eQSL. The hobby does not need divisive measures. AI1W
EQSL's are part of the new era of ham radio. They should be accepted as long they are confirmed by both parties. WB4BAX
I have used both eQSL and LoTW systems and have the following comments: M0RCU
Lotw system too complex and you do not have the fun in looking at the other hams card and comments.eQSL is not just a contact matching system its also a good database and view all your contacts,modes and countries worked . Fantastic System M0RCU
ARRL know that the eQSL system is better,but they did not design it so we will not accept it, M0RCU
Trash LOTW and use the money for spectrum defense... Leave the the QSL matter to those who do it best... Eqsl! (anonymous)
In 2017 i believe that it's time to use Eqsl as world wide QSL confirmation... please do and accept these comments from WW IK1NAF
Things Are Changin', so follow the changes ARRL. PY4004SWL
It is fuck that lotw , not confirm eqsl OZ4SKK
ARRL ! - who wants to fool you! SP5VIH
2018 LUDDITES. Well done ARRL G4TSQ
ARRL......please get with the times. in this day and age system integration is what it is all about.....I do it for a living. KD8LDS
The ARRL is only going to become less relevant by continuing to try and be the only voice for Amateurs. Those day's are over and we need to work together. K4DL
It's about time that the ARRL woke up to reality. This is the 21st century! KI7G
LOTW is overly cumbersome and in the end, doesnt assure validity of contacts any more than eQSL. Please accept eQSL! NM6W
One day this might matter to me KN4ULD
this is crazy wake up and smell the roses ARRL, that goes for all the hams who only use lotw and the hams who only do paper ,a click or 2 of the mouse is the only effort needed childs play.... VK2WWV
This is absurd we are in 2020 IZ0XYX
please , ARRL , accept eqsl , we are almost in 2020 EA4IL
I work in IT and internet security. The level of encryption under the eQSL shell is more than adequate for the purpose of confirming contacts between radio operators. The system is not handling financial or medical records. W4TDG
I am a lifetime member of the ARRL and appreciate that organization's value to the hobby. Electronic proofs-of-contact have reduced the costs and time required to receive meaningful evidence and recognition of personal achievement. N7HQ
I fail to concede confirmations from eQSL are any less authentic than QRZ, another commercial log entry confirmation service. When I see the awards from ARRL, QRZ, or eQSL, N7HQ
I applaud the individual that attained them, not the organization that issued the document. N7HQ
As a Spanish Amateur operator I can tell that my Spanish League(URE) accepts with no problem EQSLs and some awards I earned would have been impossible without the help of eqsl, ARRL... take note from other leagues, you're not the only one EA7KCH
In order to that I want to make a clear petition to ARRL in order to reconsider their position, EQSL is not a competency for ARRL and team makes force, 21st century is going and is the IT century, nowadays the EQSL AG ensures legal records EA7KCH
Given the state of technology, I could easily print up some QSL cards if I wanted to cheat. ARRL not accepting other electronic services is just about power and money to get NA hams to pay for an ARRL membership. K1RH
I would like. The admin help. How my log qso eqsl for Synchronisation to my log Lotw... Thanks you YB6NE
I was licensed in 1968 in Alaska. Alaska being a state and a dx entity puts a high demand for QSL cards on the operator. Both LoTW and eQSL provide an alternative to keeping cards printed and licking stamps. Let's be reasonable... AG5XQ
there are no reason to admit eqsl for dxcc but money, that's sad IW5ELO
The bottom line it's just about money. The ARRL makes money on ever LoTW that you use towards their awards. We just do the same with EQSL contacts. If you apply them towards an award, charge the same KE7WRJ
Even as an ARRL Life Member - this is simply another case of the ARRL shooting themselves in the foot. Follow the money! WQ2H
As an ARRL member, I urge the organization to find compatability with eQSL. An unwillingness to adapt to other online QSL methods will eventually push away users from LOTW. I enjoy LOTW, but eQSL also serves an important segment. KE4DHK
Why should I send money to any organization that refuses to cooperate with others? I can assure ARRL that if I hit DXCC on QRZ or eQSL first, that's the end of my ARRL membership. KG7AV
I do wish you would also recognize records. I have found they are more reliable than QRZ. The two should cooperate. Thanks K0RCJ
in the age of all digital, in the age of ecology, it is inadmissible to still make paper qsl F5PGF
It took me 12 years to get the 50th state Hawaii for WAS. I printed out my own certificate! That says it all cuz if you don't believe me, I don't care! W3PRL
And by the way, when I finally get 100 awards on my wall, I'm going to print out an award for hitting 100 awards. W3PRL
And by the way, when I finally get 100 awards on my wall, I'm going to print out an award for hitting 100 awards. W3PRL
Ya'll need to realize these are just pieces of paper and won't land you a job in a Fortune 500 company. W3PRL
At one time, ARRL was the only known award provider, and post card QSL's cost less than a dime. Those times have passed, eQSL saves paper and postage / environmental pollution. K1OKS
ARRL should embrace eQSL, keeping the tradition alive in today's digital world. WW1ZRD
Eqsl is a simple and secure way of getting a contact confirmed, whereas the papaer qsl is fast becoming obsolete if I may put it that way. A pity that the ARRL is holding on solely on paper qsl cards or to their own electronic system... ON4ADL
Businesses have changed with the times. JK1WPS
I really agree with this collaboration with lotw congratulations on this collaboration YC4LOY

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