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Tuesday, October 22, 2024 02:13 UTC
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eOceaniatm KB9ZM Oct 21
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eSatellitetm WD5GRW Oct 15
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eWACtm KP4USA Oct 21
eWACHonorstm DL5NAV Oct 21
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eZ40tm YO4NT Oct 19

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How do I become eligible to participate in eAwards?
I have made QSOs with many eQSL.cc members from many countries and states, but not all of those countries or states appear in My Awards listing. Why?
If I attach accounts from widely different QTHes, will the credits be combined for purposes of eAwards?


I am attempting to attach another existing account that I own but when I go to "My Accounts" I don't see my other account listed.
I have AG status, have created another account, linked the new account yet the new account does not have AG status. What could be wrong?
I have an eQSL account under my old callsign. Now I've got a new callsign. What should I do?
I want to register my own personal station and also a club station.
I want to register several different callsigns I own. Do I need to obtain Authenticity Guaranteed separately for each one and pay membership fees for each one?
When I view my Other Account menu, I see accounts that do not belong to me. Is this situation normal or a security concern?


Can I use an image of my QSL card as a graphic for my eQSL card?
Glossary Term: eQSL.cc
Glossary Term: eQSL
Glossary Term: Home Page
Glossary Term: Archive
Glossary Term: Outbox
How can I create an ADIF file for upload to eQSL.cc from log data stored in a spreadsheet program?
How can I create an ADIF file for upload to eQSL.cc from log data stored in a spreadsheet program?
How can I print my own graphic eQSL as a traditional QSL card?
How can I see the votes for various eQSL cards including my own?
How can I stop receiving email from eQSL.cc?
How do I change my password?
How do I contact the eQSL.cc Support Desk?
How do I download my eQSL OUTBOX, my log ?
How do I get AG status if I have more than one account?
How do I inform eQSL.cc that I have made QSOs?
How do I update the eQSL.cc record to show my correct eMail address?
How long should I leave QSO records in my Outbox (on-line log)?
I would like to purchase some eQSL apparel. What merchandise is available?
My computer's hard drive has failed and I have lost all of my electronic logs. Help!
My email address has changed, and I have forgotten my Password. What can I do?
My email address has changed, what should I do?
My InBox and Archive are so slow I cannot use them.
My InBox is so slow, I cannot use it. Inbox
Some of the text that appears on my graphic eQSL card is incorrect. How can I correct it?
What will happen if I forget my logon password?
When should I and/or How do I use the confirm button () that appears in my Inbox table or Archive table?
When should I and/or How do I use the reject button () that appears in my Inbox table or Archive table?
Why do some lines in the Inbox table show confirm () and reject () buttons while others do not?


How can I have cards printed and mailed to me?


How can I cancel a monthly recurring PayPal donation?
How much does eQSL.cc cost?
I have several accounts with different calls. One has lifetime status while some other ones do not. What is going on and how can I remedy this situation?
I have unsubscribed but my log still exists on eQSL.cc. Can you remove it?
I made a donation online but I'm still at the same membership level
I made a membership payment using Stripe, but it has been several hours and it is not appearing in my Membership page.
Some time ago I made a donation and I used to be a Bronze or Silver member. Why am I now just a Regular member?
What are the rates for various levels of memberships?


How can I find the correct Grid Square for my QTH and change it in my Profile?
I have moved. What should I do now?
I operate mobile and need a way to register hundreds of different QTHes
I used to be able to edit some of the QTH information in My Profile. Now those things are locked and I cannot change them. Why?
My QTH address has changed and I can't change my Grid Square
What is the Nickname in my profile?

Receiving eQSLs

How can I print an eQSL on a card?
I have a lot of eQSLs in my Inbox and Outbox that I want to download. Is there a limit to the number of eQSLs that I can download?
I only have a small number of eQSLs in my InBox but when I try to access them, the screen times out after 10 minutes. InBox Selector
I viewed an eQSL graphic card by clicking on the DISPLAY button at my INBOX screen and now the QSO record is gone. Where did it go?
I've upload a eQSL for a particular QSO, received a eQSL for the same QSO but I have no match. What could be wrong?
What are the printing options when I want to use the eQSL card printing service?
What are the printing options when I want to use the eQSL card printing service?


I entered my email address incorrectly on the registration form and can't get my Signup Code. What should I do?
I never got my Signup Code
My callsign is already registered, but not by me. There is a table of existing accounts and one of them says If This Is You Claim It. What does this mean?


I never got my Authentication Code postcard
My address in the FCC database is different from my actual address. Can you mail my AG postcard to a different address?
What does AG mean?
When my license expires and I get a new one, do I need to upload the new license?

Sending eQSLs

Can I fully automate the sending of eQSLs from my logging program?
Can I send eQSLs for Echolink or IRLP contacts?
How can I change an eQSL from non-satellite to satellite format?
How can I delete duplicates in my OutBox?
How can I upload a graphic to use on my eQSL card?
How can I view my own eQSL graphic as it would appear in a hard copy printout?
How do I get the AG logo to display on my card?
How do I send an eQSL?


How do I confirm a QSO via eQSL's service?
I have uploaded QSOs with the ADIF COMMENT tag filled in. However, the QSL Card Comment does not display. What is going on here?
I uploaded some bad log entries, or I uploaded a log into the wrong account. How can I delete them? OutBox
My eQSL graphic shows as an empty box in the eQSL Style Selection screen or when I display it from my OutBox
Should I choose a logging program that supports Real-time uploads to eQSL?
Some of the QSO records cannot be uploaded to eQSL.cc. The error message says something about being rejected due to an invalid MODE. What can I do about this?
What happens if I delete an eQSL in my Outbox when that eQSL has been archived by the recipient?
What happens if I upload a log twice? Will I get duplicate QSOs in the log? How can I delete dupes?
What is shown at my Outbox screen?
What is the purpose of the eQSL Nickname?
What logger (logging software) do you recommend for use with eQSL.cc?
Where can I get information regarding programming uploads and downloads of eQSLs?

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