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Viewing User Profile for: VK2GWK Henk Tobbe
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Joined: Sep 28, 2000 02:20 PM
Last Post: Sep 27, 2011 11:59 AM
Last Visit: Sep 27, 2011 12:00 PM
Website: http://vk2gwk.com
Location: One Mile beach NSW - Australia
Favorite Bands: 40, 30, 17 and 12 M
Favorite Modes: phone and CW
Email: henk@tobbe.net.au

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VK2GWK Henk Tobbe has contributed to 16 posts out of 11661 total posts (0.14%) in 8,664 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
Getting more eQSLs » Station archived my eQSL but didnt send his Sep 27, 2011 11:59 AM (Total replies: 18)

I think that when you join eQSL you should commit yourself to upload ALL log-records of completed contacts that you make. Simple as that.
You can never predict if someone else would like a eQSL. So upload all you got.
(and make sure you Authenticity Guaranteed)

VK2GWK Henk Tobbe

Getting more eQSLs » How to get more people to join EQSL??!! Aug 2, 2010 06:34 AM (Total replies: 43)

I am afraid that whatever way one looks at things.... there is only one DXCC and that happens to be administered by the ARRL. And as DXCC, Honor Roll listing and that sort of thing is still coveted by many serious radio amateurs we'll have to live with that.

eQSL awards will not soon replace this - if only as it is the ARRL that decides what entity is valid and which is not.

I think paper QSL is outdated. That was valuable at the time that you were not really sure if someone really had heard you and there was no other way to confirm the contact. Now - with phone, skype and internet - that no longer requires something on paper by mail, or a volunteer channel like the bureau. Total waste of money, time and effort.

I don't care for paper QSL and stopped sending them via the bureau - only direct if requested. In this "paperless" day and age eQSL and LotW are the ultimate solutions. For those people that really want a paper card: they can generate one on <a href="http://tobbe.net.au/blog/qsl_index.php">my web site </a> and print it out....

I upload my log real time to eQSL and every other day to LotW. So anyone with access to one or both of these services can have his confirmation within the week. And - yes - I am AG. I think that that should be made compulsory by eQSL. Non AG qsl's are a total waste of bandwith.

VK2GWK Henk Tobbe
Edited by VK2GWK Henk Tobbe on Aug 2, 2010 at 06:38 AM

Support - English speaking » Slow, Slow, Slow Jan 4, 2010 10:04 AM (Total replies: 2)

Wel it is especially slow when the USA is awake (17 - 23 UTC) and I am operating.
LotW works fine for me - no hassle and I do not need paper cards. Would not know where to store them all. I do eQSL only to please others and not so much for myself.

At the moment (like08:00 - 10:00 UTC) it works reasonably....

I got a very fast internet connection and do uploads to my on line log all the time. That works very fast but the "linked" upload to eQSL slows it all down.

Sorry, but I am not happy about it.

VK2GWK Henk Tobbe

Support - English speaking » Slow, Slow, Slow Jan 2, 2010 08:44 AM (Total replies: 2)

eQSL is getting sooooo sloooow. Also after the database reorganisation. Very slow especially when the USA is awake. Takes minutes to retrieve qsl's and it is very slow in the "on line" upload of qso's.

I am really thinking about quitting with eQSL altogether.

VK2GWK Henk Tobbe

SWLs » QSL card for SWL ? Nov 16, 2007 12:09 AM (Total replies: 23)

I am afraid there are more "rotten apples". A couple of days ago I received two SWL reports from IE3-802SWL. He said he had heard me on 20M in QSO with W4MBD...

I did not work W4MBD (but it was W4MBD that spotted me on the cluster) and at that particular time the path into Italy was totally closed: he could not have heard me.

So beware of this cluster-sucker....

BTW: I appreciate SWL-reports and will reply when they are genuine. Especially CW reports are welcome.

VK2GWK Henk Tobbe

Getting more eQSLs » eQSL fairness Aug 8, 2007 11:29 PM (Total replies: 13)

Hi Kai,
I understand where you are coming from but it all depends on ones appreciation of QSL's. For me not the card counts but the confirmation for DXCC - so basically I only value LotW confirmations and paper cards for new countries/bands.

My participation in eQSL is purely to support others that have a different view and appreciate my electronic cards. But to be honest... I could not care less about the "cards" I receive and never ever have yet downloaded one - only "viewed" some them and discovered that there are very, very few original cards and most of them look like all the others.

I really cannot understand how people could justify asking for money to just electronicaly confirm a QSO. I do a lot of replies for direct QSL's and nowadays announce on my web site that I expect one IRC or 2 US$ because I cannot afford the cost of stamps which nowadays are barely covered by 2$ (with the US$ being that weak and postage going up every year). So I think asking for green stamps for paper QSL's is OK but not for a computer entry.....

I rejected your "bogus" cards although I would love to work you on SHF :)

VK2GWK Henk Tobbe

Authenticity Guaranteed » CEPT licensing Jul 9, 2007 11:18 PM (Total replies: 13)

In this discussion there has been a few misunderstandings and confusions about CEPT.

CEPT stands for "Conferance Europeenne de Poste et de Telecommunication" (International Conference for Post and Telecommunications). This "Conferene" has resulted in an international treaty between the participating countries about licensing in relation to telecommunications (not only amateur radio). The treaty - amongst other things - harmonised the examination rules and qualifications for a license. And because of this harmonisation it became easier for the member countries to accept each others licenses. This finally led to standard recognition of licenses between member countries. There are also third party countries (like Australia) that recognise licenses issued in CEPT member countries because they decided that the uniform examination rules guarantee a sufficient level of knowledge.

So - formally - there is no such thing as a CEPT license. There is a national license that is recognised in other countries because the issuing country is a member of CEPT.

VK2GWK Henk Tobbe

Support - English speaking » eQSL's To Callisgn/P Or Callsign/M Jun 15, 2007 11:39 PM (Total replies: 3)

When eQsL does not recognise the callsign that is because the other station (the one with the /M or/P) does not have an account for /P or /M - Contacts from mobile or portable stations are in a different category. So they should not be mixed with contacts from the home station.

So you are logging and uploading correctly.

VK2GWK Henk Tobbe

Authenticity Guaranteed » AG Required to Join? May 21, 2007 11:00 PM (Total replies: 41)

I am not really worried by the poor "return" on eQSL. Not much worse or better than the paper QSL rate or LotW. I just upload all contacts made and do not expect anything in return - so each card I get is a bonus

As I have written before on this forum: either all members of eQSL identify themselves properly so that everybody is AG or we do away with the AG alltogether. In that perspective: what guarantee do you have that the station you worked with was genuine when you receive a paper QSL in the mail or via the bureau. In the distant past you could consider it unlikely that a fake station would go through all the trouble and expense to have QSL cards printed. Nowadays with computers and high quality desk top publishing facilities a paper card is no guarantee whatsoever. And what guarantee does eQSL have that the scanned license they get sent by email is genuine...?? Unless you see the original or a certified copy you cannot be sure.

The LotW verification process is somewhat better - not full proof - but fits the "special" status of the DXCC awards where original cards are verified and the card checkers are pretty much aware of "fakes" and "cheats". For LotW the ARRL awards are the main objective - exchange of QSL comes secondary.

The objective for eQSL is different: to offer an electronic QSL exchange service. The awards are secundary. Therefor I suggest that eQSL reconsiders its position. Do away with the AG or AG for everyone.... no "double standards".

VK2GWK Henk Tobbe

Getting more eQSLs » eQSL fairness May 19, 2007 10:39 PM (Total replies: 13)

I really do not understand the problem..... when both stations have uploaded their log details for a particular QSO then the contact is automatically confirmed for both stations (when the details match). You do not need to do anything......

I have uploaded my entire log and upload new QSO's automatically right after I sing off. What is the use of being a member of eQSL and NOT uploading your QSO details...I cannot imagine there hams that silly. It is not a matter of fairness but of common sense.

VK2GWK Henk Tobbe

Authenticity Guaranteed » AG for foreign operations with CEPT license Feb 2, 2007 06:09 PM (Total replies: 6)

Have not seen a response from any of the eQSL people yet, but I would be interested as well.

The CEPT license - of which you submitted a copy - mentions specifically the countries where you are allowed to operate. I would guess that you are AG for any of these countries.

VK2GWK Henk Tobbe

Getting more eQSLs » Increasing the percentage of Eqsl Return ? Jan 4, 2007 06:45 PM (Total replies: 41)

Since I started with eQSL (shortly after it was founded) I uploaded some 19500 qso's (ALL contacts are automatically uploaded on a daily basis these days). The archive contains 2417 confirmations = just over 12 %. I have 120 (AG) countries confirmed on eQSL.

Compared to LotW there I have just over 1700 confirmations for 130 countries based on the same uploads.

I only send paper QSL's when I receive one so the paper QSL rate is not relevant.

I generally do not respond to sked requests - too much work to organise that plus a couple of disappointments with people not turning up. Apart from that conditions can foul things and the fun is in the chance encounter! I am frequently spotted on clusters as I work both phone and CW on many bands so work me when you hear me! Only in contests I do the "59 thanks" routine so in a QSO I always try to give a fair report and as a minimum exchange names and QTH.

Henk - VK2GWK

VK2GWK Henk Tobbe

eAward Suggestions » It is time to introduce a non-AG certiciate program ? Jul 31, 2006 06:28 PM (Total replies: 31)

<quote>As one of the few people who approves AG applications I would estimate that I correct the location information, that is Country, State, Grid square, CQ and ITU Zone on about 25% of the applications I see before approving them.</quote>

One of your own posts, Rich. If 25 % percent of the (location) data of participants is wrong, then there is something wrong with the registration/update system.

VK2GWK Henk Tobbe

eAward Suggestions » It is time to introduce a non-AG certiciate program ? Jul 30, 2006 06:15 AM (Total replies: 31)

This whole thread is another argument to get rid of all Non-AG registrations... certainly if 25 % of those are incorrect! Make AG compulsory.

VK2GWK Henk Tobbe

Authenticity Guaranteed » AG Required to Join? Jul 26, 2006 05:05 AM (Total replies: 41)

It is not a matter of "awards only". I think it would be common courtesy for every member when joining eQSL to identify himself properly. I am considering seriously rejecting all non-AG QSL's in future with the remark: Please AG....

The moderators response is contradictory as eQSL is promoting its own awards and only recognizes AG contacts for these awards.... Why not accept ALL eQSL's for the eQSL awards then????

VK2GWK Henk Tobbe

Getting more eQSLs » favorite dx antennae Mar 22, 2006 04:37 PM (Total replies: 13)

SteppiR is the Future! No sweet spots, but "sweet" all over the band. Instant check LP/SP openings. Relatively light and small. Would not want any other antenna - even for free

VK2GWK Henk Tobbe